Ger­man Re­search Found­a­tion (DFG)

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is one of the largest interdisciplinary funding organisations for basic research in Germany. Applications can be submitted for individual projects, research projects in (inter)national networks, equipment and infrastructure or longer-term institutions such as Research Training Groups and Collaborative Research Centres. On this page you will find an overview of the most important DFG funding programmes, information on the internal processes for submitting proposals and the support available from the Research Division.

DFG fund­ing pro­grammes

Ma­ter­i­al aid

Material, travel and personnel costs for an individual research project, for example, can be applied for via an in-kind grant. The funding period is usually 3 years. The grant in kind also offers the opportunity to finance your own position. Please note our information on the employer's declaration.

Wal­ter Ben­jamin Pro­gramme

The Walter Benjamin Programme is a mobility programme that offers researchers in early career phases the opportunity to finance their own position for up to two years. The prerequisite for this is a change of institution, which can be either in Germany or abroad.

Emmy No­eth­er Pro­gramme

Funding in the Emmy Noether Programme offers highly qualified scientists in early career phases the opportunity to qualify for a university professorship by independently leading a junior research group over a period of 6 years.

Spe­cial re­search field

In this programme, consortia of excellent scientists can be established to work on innovative and challenging research questions at one or more locations (duration: 12 years). Applications in the CRC/TRR programme serve to establish institutional priorities and structures and are therefore of particular strategic importance.

Re­search Train­ing Groups

Research Training Groups (duration: max. 9 years) aim to qualify doctoral candidates as part of a thematically focused research programme. A qualification concept with innovative teaching and supervision elements is also central. International Research Training Groups are also possible. Please contact us at an early stage.

Pro­mo­tion of large ap­pli­ances

The DFG funding programme "Large-scale research equipment" (Art. 91b GG) funds large-scale equipment at German state universities. Funding is provided in equal parts by the DFG and the state in which the university is located. Projects in the "Major Instrumentation of the L?nder" programme (Art. 143c GG) are fully funded by the L?nder, but are reviewed by the DFG

Heis­en­berg Pro­gramme

The Heisenberg Programme is aimed at researchers at advanced career stages who meet all the requirements for appointment to a professorship. The funding format makes it possible to work on advanced research topics over 5 years. Under certain conditions, a change to a Heisenberg professorship is possible.

Symbolbild: Spielfiguren, die durch Linien verbunden sind

In­ter­na­tionale Ko­op­er­a­tion­en

Die DFG unterstützt auch die internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Forschung. In allen DFG-F?rderprogrammen k?nnen internationale Module wie Reisekosten, Personenaustausch etc. beantragt
Darüber hinaus bietet die DFG auch gemeinsame Ausschreibungen mit internat. Partnerorganisationen an.


DFG proposals with relevance to higher education policy, such as Collaborative Research Centres or Research Training Groups (so-called coordinated programmes), must be signed by the President and are accompanied by a structured process at UPB. You should therefore get in touch with the contact person in our Research Department at an early stage.


In the central fund for research project funding measures, Paderborn University provides financial resources to support you in submitting proposals to the coordinated programmes of the DFG and the EU. In addition, there is also the possibility of start-up funding (so-called start-up aid) for individual DFG projects, which is awarded on a decentralised basis by the faculties. For further information on start-up funding, please contact the office of the Commission for Research and Early Career Researchers (FK).

To apply for your own position (e.g. within a grant application, in the Emmy Noether or Heisenberg Programme), an employer's declaration is required. Please contact the Research Unit in good time (ideally 4 weeks before the planned submission).


The DFG grants a programme allowance of 22% on project expenditure to cover indirect project costs. At UPB, the lump sum is collected centrally by the university. As compensation, the project leaders receive a research premium from budget funds amounting to 40% of the original lump sum.

Cross-cutting issues are becoming increasingly important in the preparation and assessment of funding applications. These include equal opportunities, diversity and family friendliness, internationality, career advancement, research data management and sustainability. We support you in this and act as an interface to other service areas of the university.

DFG Liaison Lecturer at Paderborn University is Prof. Dr Claudia ?hlschl?ger.

The ser­vice of the Re­search Unit

The services of the Research Division

Our service for your DFG proposal includes

  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your proposal from a non-specialist perspective
  • Feedback on suitability and consistency with the guidelines
  • Advice on funding planning
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues
  • Obtaining an employer declaration
  • Support throughout the entire internal application process for coordinated programmes (Collaborative Research Centres and Research Training Groups)


Con­tact per­sons

Dr Daniela Hartmann - B2.229, 60 - 4560

Dr Anna Reinacher - A3.242, 60 - 2078

Dr Juliane Thei? - B2.229, 60 - 4467

Prof Dr Claudia ?hlschl?ger - H4.311, 60 - 3212