Aca­dem­ic awards and hon­ours

Awards for members of Paderborn University and awards and honours conferred by the university.

Awards for mem­bers of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Highest support for scientists awarded by the European Research Council.




The Leibniz prize is the most highly endowed award for research in Germany. It is presented by the German Research Foundation DFG.




The prize is awarded by the German Research Foundation especially to young researchers for successful research and meant to support their future career in science.

Listed are the members of Paderborn University that have been elected as members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina – National Academy of Sciences.

Logo acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften

Six scientists from Paderborn are members of the National Academy of Science and Engineering. The Academy is the oldest national academy in Germany.

Listed are members of the academy from Paderborn University.

The Young Collegium of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, the Humanities and the Arts is one of the largest programmes to promote young scholars.

"Stifterverband" and "DATEV-Stiftung Zukunft" grant fellowships for innovation in academic teaching every year. The Ministry for Culture and Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia and the "Stifterverband" grant fellowships for innovation in digital academic teaching every year.

Awards and hon­ours con­ferred by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Logo der Universit?t Paderborn

Listed are the award winners from Paderborn University since 2001.

Outstanding achievements in professional practice or artistic performances are recognised with an Honorary Professorship.

An award for outstanding scientists awarded by the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics.



Personalities who have supported Paderborn University in a unique way as patrons or sponsors.

The faculties can grant a doctor's degree “honoris causa” for outstanding performances in Sciences, the Humanities and the Arts.



Personalities with a special bond to Paderborn University are honoured as Honorary Citizens.

The medal is given to personalities who have contributed to research, teaching, and University-based relationships.