The Paderborn University counselling network
The counselling network brings together counsellors from different institutions at Paderborn University and gives them a space to exchange ideas about their own counselling approach, counselling methods, counselling concerns and the framework conditions for (good) counselling. In the network, concerns of those seeking advice are discussed anonymously in order to identify recurring topics in counselling, collegial counselling is possible and the counselling practice of the members is jointly reflected upon and further developed.
What the members of the counselling network have in common is that they focus on the individual person seeking advice and their resources and, in line with the systemic counselling approach, assume that the person seeking advice is part of a system that influences them and over which they have an influence. In dialogue, conditions are sought under which the person seeking advice can activate their resources in order to achieve individual solutions and goals as independently and self-organised as possible. Counselling therefore goes beyond purely informative advice.
The members active in the counselling network and the institutions they represent, as well as their target groups and main topics, are listed below.
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Zie?le und Auf?ga?ben des Netz?werks

Vernetzung von Berater*innen der Universit?t Paderborn
Sichtbarmachung von Beratungsinstanzen an der Universit?t Paderborn für Ratsuchende und Berater*innen
Weiterentwicklung von Beratungsinsitutionen durch gemeinsame Reflexion bspw. über die Beratungshaltung
Kollegialer Austausch über Beratungsmethoden und (anonymisiert über) Beratungsanliegen
Zusammenarbeit mit Beratungsinstitutionen au?erhalb der UPB und die Vermittlung an diese
The network at a glance
Area for counsellors - Get involved!
Do you also work in the field of counselling at Paderborn University and are not yet active in the network? We are happy to welcome new members!
As a counsellor, you are also welcome to come to one of our meetings. We meet regularly and will be happy to tell you the next dates on request. Simply contact us by e-mail!