The Paderborn University counselling network

The counselling network brings together counsellors from different institutions at Paderborn University and gives them a space to exchange ideas about their own counselling approach, counselling methods, counselling concerns and the framework conditions for (good) counselling. In the network, concerns of those seeking advice are discussed anonymously in order to identify recurring topics in counselling, collegial counselling is possible and the counselling practice of the members is jointly reflected upon and further developed.

What the members of the counselling network have in common is that they focus on the individual person seeking advice and their resources and, in line with the systemic counselling approach, assume that the person seeking advice is part of a system that influences them and over which they have an influence. In dialogue, conditions are sought under which the person seeking advice can activate their resources in order to achieve individual solutions and goals as independently and self-organised as possible. Counselling therefore goes beyond purely informative advice.

The members active in the counselling network and the institutions they represent, as well as their target groups and main topics, are listed below.

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Zie?le und Auf?ga?ben des Net­z?werks

  • Vernetzung von Berater*innen der Universit?t Paderborn

  • Sichtbarmachung von Beratungsinstanzen an der Universit?t Paderborn für Ratsuchende und Berater*innen

  • Weiterentwicklung von Beratungsinsitutionen durch gemeinsame Reflexion bspw. über die Beratungshaltung

  • Kollegialer Austausch über Beratungsmethoden und (anonymisiert über) Beratungsanliegen

  • Zusammenarbeit mit Beratungsinstitutionen au?erhalb der UPB und die Vermittlung an diese

The net­work at a glance

Fam­ily Ser­vice Of­fice

Represented by: Barbara Pickhardt & Noelle Maicher-Hoff

The FamilyServiceOffice is a counselling and placement centre for students and employees. We advise (expectant) parents and relatives of those in need of care in order to provide them with the best possible support in reconciling work and family life.


Represented by: Dr Susanne Richter

We advise UPB researchers from all subject areas and status groups on the consideration of gender aspects and diversity dimensions in their research projects.

Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­fice

Represented by: Dr Annika Hegemann & Dr Regina Sprenger

The Equal Opportunities Officer offers employees and students of Paderborn University counselling on all equality-related topics. In addition, we offer advice in cases of discrimination, especially sexualised discrimination and violence.

Gradu­ate Centre of the Fac­ulty of Cul­tur­al Stud­ies (GKW)

Represented by: Dr Anda-Lisa Harmening

We advise doctoral candidates, doctoral students, post-docs and jun. Profs., in particular on questions regarding the organisation of the doctoral and postdoctoral phase, funding and publication opportunities as well as further training. In addition, we offer individual career counselling.

Com­pet­ence Centre Writ­ing | Aca­dem­ic Writ­ing in Stud­ies, Re­search and Teach­ing

Represented by: Dr Andrea Karsten & Dr Susan Holtfreter

We advise on the following topics: Coping with and structuring the writing process, conceptualising academic texts, text feedback, writing in teaching, professional and individual writing practices

Ment­or­ing pro­grammes for fe­male stu­dents and doc­tor­al can­did­ates

Represented by: Stefanie Leinfellner & Dr Julia Steinhausen

As part of our mentoring programme, we advise and support female students and doctoral candidates interested in a doctorate on the career paths of women in science, as well as career decisions and transitions from studies to doctoral studies and the post-doc phase.

Ma­ter­nity pro­tec­tion/par­ent­al leave

Represented by: The respective representatives of the individual faculties

We advise you on all questions relating to maternity and parental leave.

PLAZ - Pro­fes­sion­al School of Edu­ca­tion

Represented by: Dr Stefanie Aschhoff-Hartmann & Dr Tassja Weber

We advise students on questions regarding the practical phases of the teacher training programme, career and study choices, questions regarding the teacher training programme in general as well as study and examination planning.

ProL­ernen - Coun­selling centre against pro­cras­tin­a­tion

Represented by: Prof. Dr. Katrin B. Klingsieck & Julia Bobe

We advise members of the Paderborn University on the topics of procrastination, motivation problems and self-regulation.

In­di­vidu­al writ­ing and learn­ing coun­selling for in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents and aca­dem­ics

Represented by: Olga Dohmann, Maxi Sander, Maren Schoenfelder and the students' writing consultants

We advise you on all questions relating to academic work/writing in German, multilingual writing and language learning processes and the possibilities of using individual multilingualism as a resource.

Stu­dent writ­ing coun­selling

Represented by: Dr Susan Holtfreter and the team of the Student Writing Advisory Service

We advise students on how to manage writing projects during their studies, help them to organise the writing process, develop individual writing strategies and provide text feedback.

Sec­ret­ari­al net­work-KW

Represented by: Sabine Gockel

Representation of interests to support the exchange of experience and information between employees in the university secretariats and to strengthen the self-image of our professional group.

KW rep­res­ent­at­ives for em­ploy­ees in tech­no­logy and ad­min­is­tra­tion

Represented by: Sabine Gockel & Petra Meyenbrock (until 31 July 2025)

We offer employees in technology and administration initial support and a trustworthy, open ear in the event of a conflict.

Rep­res­ent­a­tion of the in­terests of stu­dent as­sist­ants

Represented by: Sabine Gockel

We represent the interests of student assistants at UPB. We are the contact for any questions relating to the employment of student assistants. We provide advice on issues such as contracts, holidays or difficulties or complaints in the employment relationship or environment.

Cent­ral Stu­dent Coun­selling Ser­vice

Represented by: Jan-Martin Müller, Cornelia Wagner & Miriam Stolcis

We advise prospective and current students on all issues that make studying difficult (including exam nerves, stress, learning problems, depression, arguments between friends, family problems, break-ups, experiences of discrimination).

Centre for Gender Stud­ies

Represented by: Dr Claudia Mahs

We advise on gender theories/research in student (final) theses, on the Master's programme in Gender Studies in the dual Master's programme for students and interested parties, the Certificate in Gender Studies.

Centre for Lan­guage Teach­ing (ZfS)

Represented by: Ilka D?nhoff & Alina Cerezo Alarcon

We offer counselling on the following topics: Our language learning counselling (SLB) is intended for anyone (students, employees...) who would like to learn any foreign language or improve their skills in it. Topics can include learning goals, strategies and resources such as motivation or contacts.

Area for coun­sel­lors - Get in­volved!

Do you also work in the field of counselling at Paderborn University and are not yet active in the network? We are happy to welcome new members!

As a counsellor, you are also welcome to come to one of our meetings. We meet regularly and will be happy to tell you the next dates on request. Simply contact us by e-mail!

Con­tact per­son for the net­work

business-card image Anda-Lisa Harmening

Graduate Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites

Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs

Write email +49 5251 60-3913