Refugees wel­come!

You are registered as asylum seeker or recognized as refugee in Germany and would like to become a student or continue your studies in Paderborn?

Current information on the study preparation and study support for refugees at Paderborn University.

Individual counselling for refugee applicants and students



(Language-) Support for refugees who aim to study at Paderborn University.

Awarding scholarships for refugees and financial support for German language courses for prospective students with and without a refugee background to prepare for the DSH (German language test for university admission).

Please find an overview of the current support opportunities and programmes offered by the International Office of the University of Paderborn for Ukrainian refugees.

Activities for and with refugees in Paderborn und North Rhine-Westphalia.

Information for refugee researchers who wish to continue their scientific career in Germany.  

Preparation courses to qualify for academic studies at a German university.

Weltoffene Hochschulen gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit

Nationwide campaign by HRK member universities for openness, tolerance and against xenophobia

Career workshops for refugee and other international degree students