"NRWege ins Studium"
Since early 2017, Paderborn University has been involved in the programme "NRWege ins Studium". On the one hand, the programme supports prospective students with and without a refugee background to take part in preparatory DSH courses at the university, and on the other hand, scholarships are awarded to students studying a specific subject. These are full scholarships of up to € 992 per month or merit scholarships of € 300 per month. Furthermore, ¡®NRWege ins Studium¡¯ enables the strengthening of the counselling structure for refugees and the coordination of refugee matters at the university as well as networking in the region. The ¡®NRWege ins Studium¡¯ programme is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
From 15 February to 31 March 2025, students can apply for full or merit scholarships. There will be additional counselling sessions via Zoom on the 10th and 17th of March 2025 from 3.00 to 4.00 pm.
Applications from refugee students for DSH course funding (with a course start in April 2025) will be accepted until 09.03.2025.
DSH course for refugees
You have...
- a residence document that documents your refugee background
- the right to live in the city or in the Paderborn district
- an access authorization to German universities
Your documents will be checked for enrollement requirements under standard procedures. A first verification will be given by the Informationsportal Anabin der Kultusministerkonferenz.
Please submit a completed application form as well as your certified educational documents and their translations into German or English. Detailed application information is available on our corresponding website. The application deadline is six weeks before the start of each quarter. Applications can be dropped off in person during our office hours or sent by post. Since we will notify you by post, please make sure that your address is always up to date.
IMPORTANT: Please also include a copy of your residency document/refugee proof with your application. When applying for NRWege funding - do not pay the course fees until rejected!
Please find information about our further projects and activities for refugees!
In order to be able to apply for funding for DSH courses via the NRWege programme, you need a valid admission to the DSH preparation course at the University of Paderborn. Information on enrolment can be found in your admission document.
An official application must be submitted for each quarter to receive funding for DSH courses (only possible from language level B1).
The funding only covers participation in the free refugee courses, but not the semester fee.
The application must include the following attachment:
- Application and letter of motivation for the respective quarter
- Official proof of refugee status (copy of current residence document, front and back, anonymised except for surname, first name, date of birth and details of residence status)*
- Willingness to provide the necessary personal data to the university as part of the funding programme and willingness to participate in surveys/studies
Only after a positive assessment of your application will you receive the form for a place in the NRWege funding programme. In the event of a rejection, you can still start on a fee-paying course if you wish. It is possible to reapply for the next quarter.
If more applications are received than available course places, aspects such as financial need, social/voluntary commitment or previous school or university achievements will be taken into account in addition to the formal criteria (timely receipt of application, completeness of documents).
Please send the application including the letter of motivation together with the proof of refugee status (see above) by email to the Coordination of Refugees at: io-refugees@zv.uni-paderborn.de.
The application deadline is 09.03.2025. A decision on your application will be made by the 20th before the start of the quarter.
IMPORTANT: When applying for NRWege funding - do not pay the course fees until you receive a rejection!
An interruption of the current quarter is not possible with the receipt of NRWege funding!
*The group of people eligible for funding includes people who are willing and able to study and who have experienced flight:
- Persons entitled to asylum, recognised as refugees or as persons entitled to subsidiary protection as well as people for whom a national ban on deportation has been established and comparable persons who have a residence permit (¡ì 22, ¡ì 23 Abs. 1, 2 and 4, ¡ì 23a, ¡ì 25 Abs. 1-5 (Aufenthaltsgesetz - AufenthG)
- Persons who were admitted on the basis of the Mass Influx Directive and have a right of residence in accordance with ¡ì 24 AufenthG.
- Persons who have received a rejection in the asylum procedure carried out by the BAMF, but whose deportation has been temporarily suspended (Duldung gem. ¡ì 60 a Abs. 2 AufenthG)
If there are still places available, applications from non-European international students will also be considered.
Not eligible for funding:
- Persons in ongoing asylum proceedings with a temporary residence permit ( ¡ì55 AufenthG), if no initial decision has yet been made
- Persons with a latent or immediate obligation to leave the country (¡ì¡ì 50 Abs. 1 and 60 a AufenthG)
- Persons with a German higher education entrance qualification
- Persons with a Niederlassungserlaubnis
- Persons who entered Germany more than five years ago, before initial support was provided by NRWege ins Studium or the federal Integra programme (exception: one- time extension of two years in the event of personal illness or caring for relatives or raising children)
Scholarships for degree students
Students with refugee experience who are enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme can apply for a scholarship if
- the higher education entrance qualification was obtained abroad
- an initial decision has been made by the BAMF or
- they have been admitted for temporary protection or for humanitarian reasons or
- the person was admitted from abroad and there is no enforceable obligation to leave the country
- the person does not yet have a so called 'Niederlassungserlaubnis'
- the person entered the country no more than five years ago, before initial support was provided by NRWege ins Studium or the federal Integra programme (exceptions: own illness, caring for relatives or raising children)
- Regular enrolment at Paderborn University
- Submission of a letter of motivation in which the interest in studying is explained in connection with the previous educational path and the need for support
- It must be expected that the intended degree programme can be successfully completed
- When applying for a merit scholarship, your outstanding (academic) achievements should be clearly described accordingly
- Proof that BAf?G has been applied for and that the application has been rejected/not yet approved. The entitlement to a full scholarship expires with the approval of BAf?G
- Information on any other income received
- Written declaration of the applicant's willingness to provide the necessary personal data to the university in accordance with funding line E and willingness to participate in further surveys or studies
- In the event of naturalisation or the granting of a so-called 'Niederlassungserlaubnis', the entitlement to the scholarship lapses. No follow-up application can be submitted
- Regular attendance
- Obligation to take part in the university's counselling sessions and to do voluntary work
- In the case of an initial application from the 4th semester onwards or a follow-up application, proof of the study results of the previous period and a positive report from a university lecturer confirming the personal and professional suitability of the applicant must be submitted
- In the case of a follow-up application, the applicant must also be willing to volunteer in the programme or in university (related) activities
Please send your full application by e-mail before the deadline to: io-refugees@zv.uni-paderborn.de
The application must include the following documents
- Application for a partial or full scholarship with a letter of motivation explaining the reason and need for the financial support.
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form with details of previous stay in Germany
- Copy of residence permit (both sides)
- Proof of BAF?G application (approval or rejection)
- Proof of current financing (self-disclosure form about income)
- Transcripts including current grade point average
- Proof of voluntary work (if available)
- In case of a first application from the 4th semester onwards or in the case of a subsequent application, proof of the study results of the previous period and a positive report from a university lecturer confirming the personal and professional suitability of the applicant (report not older than 3 months) must also be submitted. In this case also the declared willingness to volunteer in the programme or in university (related) activities.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application (application period 15.02.-31.03.2025) and inform you of our decision no later than four weeks after the application deadline.
NRWege ins Studium
Volker Verhoff - Office I4.107
Hotline and Office hours for consultation
Phone: 05251 - 602381