Gen­er­al In­form­a­tion

The DSH courses take place from Monday to Friday, 5 days a week. They can be in the morning (8.15am - 1.15pm) as well as in the afternoon (1.30pm - 6.30pm). In total, one course (one quarter) comprises 240 lessons.

Per­form­ance re­quire­ments

If the absence rate is above 25% the candidate has to do the oral examination.


Mandatory attendance
For scholarship holders (DSH students who are financially supported), the rule is that the stipens is lost after a class absences of 10%. This also means that in this case, you can no longer participate the final exam.

Repetition of the language course
As a scholarship holder you have the opportunity to repeat the course level at least once. If you fail the final exam, you must have reached at least level 1 to attend the course level a third time. If you then fail again, you will not be able to continue attending DSH courses at the University of Paderborn.

If you fall ill or have other reasons for your absence, please provide a medical certificate or a certificate.


At the end of every course level, you will take an intermediate exam resp. counselling interview in order to advance to the next level. Students who fail this exam are required to re-attend their previous course.

The DSH exam is held four times a year (March, June, September, December). Exam dates are available on the website of the Centre for Language Studies (ZfS).

For information on the DSH course contents (curriculum, CEFR level descriptions, learning objectives, exam requirements) please check the website of our Centre for Language Studies (ZfS).

Participating in the DSH exam for external candidates is not possible!