
Language course participants are enrolled as students at the Paderborn University. Here you can find information regarding the fees.

For the updated information regarding online-enrollment, please always check your mailbox and spam folder regularly. Here you can also always find the latest information about the enrollment deadlines!

Information about the enrollment period is available in your admission letter (on the 2. Page).


  • The enrollment deadline for the course start in October 2024  (05.08.2024 ¨C 30.08.2024)


Please note: The courses in October 2024 will be in classroom-based form.

If you are not able to participate in the classroom-based form, we recommend you to defer your admission.

Enrolment and placement test will continue to take place online. Basically, you have to send us the following documents for enrolment as a PDF file by e-mail to the e-mail address io.DSH.registration(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de and respectively also by post:

  • Admission Letter (first page)
  • Application for enrollment filled out and signed
  • ID card (or passport)  (We highly recommend you to apply for a student visa in advance of planned departure for Germany at the German embassy or consulate general in your country, if your intention is to stay there for longer than three months. The University has no effect on visa procedure.)
  • Power of attorney (completed and signed in the original) as well a copy of the identity card of the person granting the power of attorney and the person receiving the power of attorney. (If you are unable to register yourself, you can issue a power of attorney to a person you trust. Please use the form at go.upb.de/Vollmacht_DSH).
  • Proof of payment of the semester fees and course fees (for the winter semester 2024/2025 279,60 € and for the course in October 500,00 €) please do not forget to write your matriculation number, first name and surname in the reason for payment). For more information about the fees please click on: Semester Fee/ Course Fee 


Semester fees

Winter semester 2024/2025

Course fees

October 2024

Recipient: Paderborn University Paderborn University
Financial Institution: Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold Landesbank Hessen-Th¨¹ringen
IBAN: DE74 4765 0130 1010 0376 93 DE22 3005 0000 0001 4632 15
Amount: 279,60 Euro 500,00 Euro
Intended Purpose: Matriculation number, first and last name DSH-Q4, Matriculation number, first and last name
  • All Other Documents that are demanded on the first page of your admission (Only in case you have to submit your certificates as copies, which is written on your admission letter as ¡°geforderte weitere Unterlagen¡±, you must either send them via mail (post) to the International Office or drop them in the mailbox in "I" building at the latest within the time of enrollment in paper form -hard copy-.)

The course will start with an online placement test to place you at the adequate course level. As the course prepares for science German, the course level may differ from certificates you have acquired at other institutions. Participation is obligatory. You will get more information via email from the faculty of Humanities after the enrollment period is over. Enrollment on the day of the placement test ist not possible.

Please make sure to have health insurance!