The Phoenix Con­tact Found­a­tion awards schol­ar­ships for stud­ies abroad last­ing three to six months

The Phoenix Contact Foundation runs the Phoenix Contact Cross Border Studies scholarship programme (programme to increase the mobility of German students in STEM subjects) in cooperation with the International Office of Paderborn University. The Phoenix scholarship not only enables German Paderborn University students to successfully complete a student exchange, but has also significantly increased mobility levels by providing funding for shorter stays abroad (from three to six months). This programme is available for studies abroad at universities outside of the EU.  

The Phoenix Contact Cross Border Studies scholarship is a partial scholarship lasting three to six months. The scholarship amount depends on the destination and length of the exchange.  Funding through the Phoenix Contact Cross Border Studies scholarship begins on 15 October each year at the earliest.

Who can ap­ply?

  • Paderborn University students (not guest or visiting students) in at least their second semester of studies and Master students in their first semester.
  • STEM subject students as well as students of related disciplines, especially from the Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Science and Business Administration and Economics faculties.
  • Students at Paderborn University with German nationality, or those with an equivalent status (within the meaning of Section 8, Paragraph 1, Numbers 2, 2a and 3 of the BAf?G regulations.)
  • Students planning an exchange with a non-European partner university lasting between at least three and a maximum of six months.  


  • A monthly partial scholarship, of which two thirds of the total are usually paid before the exchange begins. The remaining third is transferred after you complete your exchange and presentation for the foundation’s advisory board.
  • The maximum funding duration is six months.

Se­lec­tion cri­ter­ia

An appointed selection committee oversees the awarding of Phoenix Contact Cross Border Studies scholarships to ensure a transparent and fair selection process. The committee decide which applicants will receive a scholarship based on the following criteria:

  • Qualifications and academic achievements of the students
  • The relevance of the planned stay abroad with respect to the student’s academic development
  • Current language abilities
  • Student’s degree of preparation
  • Study and research opportunities

Extracurricular qualifications and general personality traits:

  • Involvement in the academic self-governance and politics of the university
  • Ability to communicate and interact beyond one’s personal boundaries and the borders of one’s course of studies
  • Social and cultural activities
  • Social and cultural interests

There is no legal entitlement to a scholarship. The final decision on the awarding of scholarships is made by the foundation’s advisory board. The decision cannot be appealed.

Re­quired doc­u­ments

  • Phoenix Contact Cross Border Studies application form
  • Tabular CV
  • Letter of motivation including a description of the study plan (max. 2 DIN A4 pages)
  • Certificate of enrolment at Paderborn University
  • Letter of acceptance from your chosen university
  • Overview of grades (if a bachelor’s degree has already been completed, then a detailed academic transcript)
  • Proof of language skills in the language of tuition (DAAD language certificate available at the Center for Language Studies)

Check your documents carefully before submitting your application. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete!

Please submit your complete application documents to the International Office of Paderborn University by the application deadline.

The date stamp i.e. the date the application is received is binding.

Ap­plic­a­tion dead­line 2024

Academic year 2024/25:

April 4th, 2024


Stefan Blecke
Room: I4.213
Phone: +49 (5251) 60 4615
E-Mail: io-outgoing

Upon request