


A secure financial situation is key to a successful exchange. Find out about scholarship programmes and the deadlines for applying early on. Here you can find information about the costs you may encounter.

There is a wide range of funding and financing options. The International Office itself offers funding opportunities through Erasmus+, PROMOS and the Cross-Boarder-Studies Scholarship.

Of course, you are free to research other opportunities on your own.

Erasmus+ (Programme Countries)

Erasmus+ funding during a stay at a partner university in one of the EU member states, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

Erasmus+ (Partner Countries)

Erasmus+ funding during a stay at a partner university in a non european partner country of Paderborn University.


PROMOS funding during a stay at a partner university in a country outside the Erasmus+ region.
Application required.

Cross Border Studies - partial…

Cross Border Studies partial scholarship from the Phoenix Contact Foundation for stays at a non-European universities for students of STEM subjects and related fields.
Application required.

Scholarship databases

The DAAD gives you advice on how to go abroad on a scholarship.


Advice from the Studierendenwerk on all social issues relating to student life, especially in the areas of financing other than BAf?G and help in crises and emergencies