ERDF 2021-2027

European Regional Development Fund

The European Regional Development Fund ERDF 2021-2027 is a Europe-wide measure that aims to equalise the imbalance between different regions. It therefore supports measures that help to promote innovation, research and technological development at regional level.

Duration and object of the funding

Within the current ERDF round (2021-2027), calls for proposals are repeatedly published on different topics and with different specifications regarding the funding duration and funding volume. The latest calls for proposals are published both in the ERDF newsletter and on the ERDF website.

Special features of the application procedure

In most calls for proposals for ERDF funding, a 10% own contribution is required. In addition, people who are to work on an ERDF-funded project and are employed on a fixed-term basis under the German Science Temporary Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz) can only receive 70% of their funding from the ERDF. This means that, in addition to the applicant's own contribution, a 30% share of the personnel costs may also have to be borne by the applicant themselves, i.e. from their own funds. It should be noted that the funding line includes various lump sums, which means that it may still be possible to cover the total costs of the project in individual cases. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with the relevant contact person in our department.




In many calls for proposals for ERDF funding, you need a legally binding signature as early as the project outline phase. Please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 working days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.


In most ERDF calls for proposals, the funding rate for universities is 90% so that a ten per cent share of the total funding amount applied for must be borne by the university itself. Before submitting an application, it must therefore be clarified how the own contribution can be financed. As a rule, this is done using free funds from the applicant's group/professorship/department.

Some ERDF calls for proposals require proof or an application to participate in electronic document storage and archiving as well as time recording. At UPB, electronic document storage and archiving as well as time recording are currently not possible, which is why no proof can be provided and no application for participation can be submitted. If you require proof/application for participation for your application, please contact the Research Department in good time.

In collaborative projects, the cooperation between the project partners must be regulated by a cooperation agreement. Depending on the funding programme, cooperation agreements must be prepared and signed at different times. Cooperation agreements are usually prepared by the consortium management. Please contact the legal advisors of Department 2.2 (Faculties EIM, KW: Ms Caterina Scheiing,,-2851; Faculties MB, NW, WiWi: Ms Christina Nolte,, -2520) at an early stage.

In most ERDF calls for proposals, funding for personnel costs is applied for via personnel cost flat rates. The flat rate to be applied depends on the service group to which the requested personnel can be assigned. Scientific staff are categorised in performance group 1, auxiliary staff in performance group 4. The personnel cost flat rates can be viewed on the ERDF website and in our download area.

In most ERDF calls for proposals, a project lump sum/overhead allowance amounting to 15% of the requested personnel costs is granted. At UPB, the rule is that the lump sum is collected centrally by the university. As compensation, the project leaders receive a research premium from budget funds amounting to 40% of the original lump sum.

Cross-cutting issues are becoming increasingly important in the preparation and assessment of funding applications. These include equal opportunities, diversity and family friendliness, internationality, career advancement, research data management and sustainability. We support you in this and act as an interface to other service areas of the university.

As a rule, project applications must be signed with a legally binding signature. For UPB, the Vice President for Human Resources, Mrs Probst, is responsible for this. Please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.

In most ERDF calls for proposals, a lump sum for material costs amounting to 25% of the requested personnel costs is granted. The lump sum can be used for material and travelling expenses as well as services and simplifies the application process as these costs do not have to be listed individually. The lump sum is optional, i.e. the costs can also be applied for directly, e.g. if the material expenses required for the realisation of the project exceed the lump sum.

The ser­vice of the Re­search Unit

Our service for your application includes

  • Advice on financial planning
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues
  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your proposal from a non-technical perspective
  • Feedback with regard to suitability and consistency with the guidelines
  • Coordination with the university management and other relevant university departments
  • Support in the preparation of any necessary university statements

Con­tact per­sons

Dr Daniela Hartmann - B2.229, 60 - 4560

Dr Anna Reinacher - A3.242, 60 - 2078

Dr Juliane Thei? - B2.229, 60 - 4467