Re­search fund­ing from the fed­er­al min­is­tries

Various federal ministries fund projects as part of topic-specific calls for proposals (see federal funding database). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) administers a good half of all government funding for research. Find out more about our range of services and find helpful documents for the application process.


With the VIP+ funding programme, the federal government's validation funding supports scientists from all disciplines in examining and demonstrating the innovation potential and economic exploitation or social application of research results (max. duration 36 months). Applications can be submitted all year round.


The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) is a funding programme open to all technologies and sectors for research and development projects that lead to new products, technical services or improved production processes. Applications can be submitted all year round and only in co-operation with companies.


Mit dem themenoffenen und branchen¨¹bergreifenden Programm "Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung" (IGF) f?rdert das Bundesministerium f¨¹r Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) vorwettbewerbliche Forschungsvorhaben. Antragsberechtigt sind eigenst?ndige Forschungsvereinigungen, die gemeinn¨¹tzige Zwecke verfolgen.

Ju­ni­or re­search group lead­ers

The BMBF's junior research group funding programme aims to support excellent young researchers in setting up their own research group and independent scientific work. The calls for proposals are topic-specific and are published at irregular intervals.


Full applications require a legally binding signature. Please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 working days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.


Applications to federal ministries usually have two stages. In the 2nd phase (invitation to submit a full application), a so-called application for a federal grant on an expenditure basis with or without a project lump sum (AZA(P)) is required. These must be completed and submitted via the easy-online portal . AZA(P)s must also be printed out, signed and sent to the project management organisation .

Easy-online is the portal of the federal ministries for applying for funding. After selecting the federal ministry and the funding line, you can select the appropriate application form (AZA or AZAP), fill it out and submit it including all associated attachments (project description, equipment list, etc.). Please use our easy-Online completion aid for this purpose.

Applications to federal ministries usually have two stages and comprise an outline phase and an application phase. In the first phase, the project coordinator must submit an outline for all partners, on the basis of which the overall project is assessed. If the outline is assessed favourably and selected for funding, an invitation to submit a full application is issued. In this second stage, the official funding application (AZA(P)) must be submitted by each partner and signed with a legally binding signature.

In the case of single-stage application procedures (e.g. VIP+), the outline phase is omitted and comprehensive funding applications, including the official application form (AZA (P)), must be submitted and signed with legally binding effect by a specific deadline.

In collaborative projects, the cooperation between the project partners must be regulated by a cooperation agreement. Depending on the funding programme, cooperation agreements must be prepared and signed at different times. Cooperation agreements are usually prepared by the consortium management. Please contact the legal advisors of Department 2.2 (Faculties EIM, KW: Ms Caterina Scheiing,,-2851; Faculties MB, NW, WiWi: Ms Christina Nolte,, -2520) at an early stage.

In applications, the costs for patenting can be included in the application; approx. 5000 € for European patents and 7000 € for US patents. If you are planning to apply for patents as part of your research project, you should contact our patent officer Olaf Klatt (, Tel. 60-2078). Mr Klatt will also advise you on regular patent searches during the project period. These are required in the general ancillary provisions (NABF) and are intended to ensure that no third-party rights stand in the way of the utilisation of your project results.

As a rule, TVL-13, level 2 must be applied for research assistants in federal projects. Please use our personnel cost table and the instructions in the easy online completion guide. Staff known by name can be calculated according to the actual costs. These can be requested by the relevant person from the HR department.

A project lump sum is awarded by funding organisations in addition to the direct project costs in order to cover indirect costs (e.g. rooms, heating costs, project management). The BMBF's lump sum is currently 20%; the BMWK usually does not pay such a lump sum. At UPB, the lump sum is collected centrally by the university. As compensation, the project leaders receive a research premium from budget funds amounting to 40% of the original lump sum.

Project management organisations were founded in 1974 - the ministries were to be streamlined. PTs are commissioned in particular by the federal and state ministries to manage and coordinate the funding of projects. Outlines and applications must be submitted to the project management organisation. The project management organisation also serves as a contact during the application phase.

Cross-cutting issues are becoming increasingly important in the preparation and assessment of funding applications. These include equal opportunities, diversity and family friendliness, internationality, career advancement, research data management and sustainability. We support you in this and act as an interface to other service areas of the university.

Project applications submitted via the easy-Online portal generally require a legally binding signature. For UPB, the Vice President for Human Resources, Ms Probst, is responsible for this. Please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.

The collected travel expenses include travel and accommodation costs, daily allowances and conference fees. Please use the instructions in our easy-online completion guide to calculate these. When travelling abroad, please use country-specific hotel costs and daily allowances from the following list as a basis.


The ser­vice of the Re­search Unit

Our service for your application includes

  • Checking the AZA(P)
  • Obtaining the legally binding signature
  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your application from a non-technical perspective
  • Feedback with regard to suitability and consistency with the guidelines
  • Advice on financial planning
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues
  • Coordination with the university management and other relevant departments of the university

Con­tact per­sons

Dr Daniela Hartmann - B2.229, 60 - 4560

Dr Anna Reinacher - A3.242, 60 - 2078

* also for the application for IGF funding

Dr Juliane Thei? - B2.229, 60 - 4467

* also for the application for IGF funding

Dr. Olaf Klatt - A3.226, 60 - 2068

Jutta Deppe - A3.223, 60 - 2568