Mitigating climate change while simultaneously improving economic performance – this is currently one of the biggest challenges many companies are facing. Lightweight construction is considered a key technology for achieving this goal, in particular in the mobility sector.
Data analysis made easy: The aim of an intelligent chatbot, developed within the scope of a research project at Paderborn University, is to allow users to evaluate large data volumes quickly and easily.
Cameras, radar, lidar, ultrasound – modern cars have an increasing number of sensors. They assist with parking, monitor blind spots, and help you keep your distance from the car in front. In autonomous vehicles, these sensors must go beyond just providing convenient assistance, and also reliably capture the entire environment. However, differing weather conditions pose huge challenges for the technology. For example, strong background light,…
Scientists from Paderborn University, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences and the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) are researching new environmentally-friendly plastic products based on lactic acid.
The most important funding institution and central self-governing organisation for science in Germany, the DFG, has published the Funding Atlas 2021 this week.
Brot ist in Deutschland ein beliebtes Grundnahrungsmittel. Aber: ?Nicht alle Brotsorten wirken sich günstig auf den Stoffwechsel und unsere Gesundheit aus“, sagt Prof. Dr. Anette Buyken von der Universit?t Paderborn.
Picture (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Using teachers with experience of inclusion and training, and having them provide video-based support during lessons, teachers’ existing didactic skills are identified as a starting point for teacher-training and professional development modules.
To improve inclusive education for children using resource-oriented and needs-based diagnostics: That’s the goal of a new interdisciplinary research project by Paderborn and Bielefeld Universities.
Scientists from Paderborn University, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and the University of Konstanz have succeeded in achieving a rare quantum state. They are the first to have demonstrated Wannier-365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 localization in a polycrystalline substance.
The deadline is fast approaching, but still you keep putting off that task you don’t much relish doing. Scientific papers, tax returns, presentations... it’s not just students who struggle with procrastination.
Paderborn University: Researchers at Paderborn University convey a survey of Abitur students that reveals insights into the political ramifications of the pandemic.
Researchers at Paderborn University surveyed some 7,650 Abitur students from the Class of 2020 and 2021 on their political views and opinion on the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic