969 projects were found

TRR 142 - Ab initio theory for photonic materials (B04)

In this project, we develop computational methods and perform calculations that aim at the parameter-free modeling of the photonic materials studied in the CRC with predictive accuracy. Particular attention is paid to the nonlinear optical response. The influence of electronic many-body effects, electron-phonon coupling and spin-orbit coupling is ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 03/2021

Funded by: DFG

TTR 142 - Integrated SU(1,1) interferometers (C02)

The primary goal of this project phase is to develop LiNbO3 based integrated circuits for quantum metrology applications. Based on LiNbO3-tool box components developed in the first phase of the project, we plan to develop integrated non-linear SU(1,1) interferometers in different configurations. Such interferometers are a very promising tool for ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2021

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Nonlinear optics in quantum dot molecules (C03)

In this project, nonlinear optical effects in InGaAs quantum dot molecules (QPM) are investigated. The goal is to use the QPM as a frequency converter. To this end, absorbed photons excite an exciton complex, which is transformed into another complex by applied voltage pulses on nanosecond and picosecond time scales as charges are transferred ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2018

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Ultrafast electric control of optical polarizations and transitions (C04)

The goal of this project is the development of photonic devices with nonlinear functionalities that can be controlled by electric means. The new functional structures involve an ultrafast electronic circuit which drives a single quantum dot in a microresonator. By ultrafast 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 effect tuning we will attain coherent control over the exciton and ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2021

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Molecular beam epitaxy of tailored GaAs-based heterostructures (Z01)

This scientific service project provides the following GaAs-based samples for other projects within TRR: Heterostructures with embedded (In,Ga)As quantum dots with tailored emission and biexciton binding energies. Schottky diodes containing quantum dot molecules. Planar GaAs/AlAs-based resonator structures with integrated quantum wells. ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2017

Funded by: DFG

Project image

Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR 142 - Tailored Nonlinear Photonics: From Fundamental Concepts to Functional Structures

The central goal of this CRC is the exploration, development, and engineering of future nonlinear photonics, which uses state-of-the-art technological capabilities for the exploration of new physics and devices based on tailored strong nonlinearities and genuine quantum effects. Our research harnesses tailored solid-state systems and bridges the ...

Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Project Area A

Duration: since 04/2014

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Project Area B

Duration: since 04/2014

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Project Area C

Duration: since 04/2014

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Project Area Z

Duration: since 04/2014

Funded by: DFG