Sus­tAIn­able Life-cycle of In­tel­li­gent So­cio-Tech­nic­al Sys­tems" (SAIL) net­work

Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2026
Total funding volume: 16.40 million euros
University funding volume: 5.5 million euros
Sponsored by: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

SAIL addresses the next stage of AI development by focussing on the entire life cycle of AI systems and their technological and social impact. SAIL is therefore interdisciplinary in nature and involves scientists from the core AI subjects, engineering sciences, social sciences and humanities. The research programme comprises basic research in the core area of AI ("research pillars") as well as two application domains. On the one hand, basic research focuses on the interaction between AI and human partners in the evaluation and coordination of errors and goals. In addition, mature AI systems are analysed in order to model, mitigate and prevent their potentially undesirable long-term effects on a functional, cognitive and social level. Finally, the entire AI life cycle is analysed in terms of efficiency to enable the practical use of AI systems with as little energy, time and memory requirements as possible and little cognitive effort on the part of the human partner.

The application areas of SAIL are intelligent industrial working environments and adaptive assistance systems for healthcare.

Project partners: Scientists at Paderborn University (Prof. Dr Katharina Rohlfing, Jun. Prof. Dr Ilona Horwath, Prof. Dr Eric Bodden, Prof. Dr Reinhold H?b-Umbach, Jun. Prof. Dr Sebastian Peitz, Prof. Dr Marco Platzner, Prof. Dr Ansgar Tr?chtler)

Pro­ject man­age­ment