If you have digitized teaching material and offer feedback und interaction possibilities, students can prepare themselves well for the course. The possibilities presented above have been intentionally selected as asynchronous tools.


With the ?tests“ feature on PANDA (Moodle 3.5), students get immediate feedback on their entries for all test questions except for free text tasks. This also allows students to get feedback on their knowledge level.

You can ask questions that relate to the learning material. The diverse options in the test administration also allow you to include texts or videos in your test questions.

Online tests can be created by the teacher on PANDA or by assigning students (Themenpatenschaften) to the task of developing a set of questions on PANDA about the corresponding course content.

Online handout about tests: https://docs.moodle.org/35/de/Test

On Youtube you can find several tutorials about Moodle “tests”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW-tMBvErWA&t=16s

Forums can be used for different didactic purposes.

Question forum about the learning content:
In this forum, students can ask their questions about the learning content and discuss them. It is often necessary to guide such forums because students rarely answer each other subject-specific questions directly.

Forum with content-oriented task instructions:
For this purpose, the Question-Answer forum is particularly appropriate. In this forum, students only see the entries from their fellow students, if they already wrote something themselves.
Example: “What key observations did you get from the learning materials?”
However, it is difficult to establish a long-lasting discussion in large groups as they regularly need subsequent questions.

Forum for small groups:
Forums can be used as an exchanging platform for working in small groups. For this purpose, you need to select the option “Getrennte Gruppen” (separated groups) in additional settings of the group mode. The groups can work on a group task or write self-reflections in the forum, which can later be commented by one or two peers. The forum type “Standardforum in blog-?hnlicher Anzeige” is particularly adequate for self-reflection with feedback. This forum is an easy way to give or get peer feedback. To work with groups, they have to be set up on PANDA beforehand:  https://docs.moodle.org/35/de/Gruppen


The activity “Journal” allows to get feedback on a specific topic. This is for example adequate for diaries. Teachers can access the journals and give feedback. It is important to consider that the students can work on the journals at any time. Therefore, journals are not suitable for graded activities.
For the activity “Aufgabe”, any task can be stored, for example tasks for self-reflection. For this type of task, the students usually expect a feedback from the teacher (by comment, annotation of documents or by using a grading scale).

Besides the described approach to get peer-feedback with the forum tool, there is the comprehensive tool “Gegenseitige Beurteilung” (mutual evaluation). In a first step, submissions have to be uploaded, which will then be distributed to peers for examination and later for evaluation. Assessement sheets can be stored so that the peers have to answer simple questions and the system calculates the achieved points.

Handout introducing the tool "Gegenseitigen Beurteilung": https://docs.moodle.org/35/de/Gegenseitige_Beurteilung

The tool ?Gegenseitige Beurteilung“ is only recommended for advanced PANDA users.

H5P ist seit M?rz 2021 in PANDA implementiert. Mit H5P k?nnen interaktive Lerneinheiten erstellt werden. Das k?nnen interaktive Videos sein, in denen Fragen beantwortet werden müssen, kleine Quizze mit erweiterten Funktionen wie Buchstabenr?tseln, Memories oder auch Lernkarten,  etc.
In den Metadaten k?nnen Urheber*in und Lizenz genannt werden, es kann entschieden werden, ob die Inhalte offen weiter genutzt werden k?nnen. Es gibt bereits zahlreiche Sammlungen von Inhalten:


Hilfeseiten zur Erstellung von H5P Inhalten:

H5P Inhlate lassen sich auch offline erstellen und im Anschlu? hochladen mit https://next.lumi.education/

Und für die Pr?senzlehre kann H5P auch in OneNote integriert werden, so dass z.B. H5P 360° Touren im Unterricht gezeigt werden k?nnen.