Se­lec­tion of ex­change stu­dents (out­go­ing)

The selection of exchange students (outgoing) is carried out by the departmental coordinators who supervise the respective university cooperation. Usually, selection committees are formed with colleagues or staff members.

Semester abroad at partner universities in Europe/Erasmus+ and worldwide
Who is responsible?

1. application and selection process

International Office Faculties

Receipt of applications

Forwarding of documents to faculties/departmental coordinators

  • Application documents
  • selection protocol

Formation of a selection committee consisting of at least two subject representatives

Examination and evaluation of all application documents for suitability of the student ( academic and linguistic suitability)

Notification of date and place for selection interviews to students

Selection interviews and transfer of the results to the selection protocol

Guide to completing the selection protocols:

2. After the selection process

Faculties International Office

Forwarding of the selection protocol to the International Office.

concerns the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:
Forwarding of the selection protocol to the Internationalisierungsbüro Wiwi

Information about acceptance/rejection to students

Nomination of the selected students at the partner university

Provision of documents to the selected students

  • Information material on the further procedure
  • For Erasmus+: Erasmus+ scholarship documents
  • Certificates (for Baf?g abroad, leave of absence, etc.)

3. Guidance before starting the studies abroad

Faculties International Office

Information on content and subject-specific information on exchange studies

Advice on course selection, credit transfer and confirmation of the Learning Agreement

Issue of certificates/recommendations if necessary

Correspondence, maintaining contact and agreements with the respective International Office of the partner universities regarding organisational questions.

Non-subject-specific student counselling ( administrative issues)

4. After completion of studies abroad

Faculties International Office
Support with grade recognition

If applicable, acceptance of the certificates from the partner universities and forwarding to students

Publication of the experience reports in the partner university portal