Doc­u­ments to sub­mit after Erasmus grant ap­prov­al

The following documents must be sent to the International Office no later than four weeks before your internship begins or five weeks after the internship ends.
The Grant Agreement must be submitted as an original, signed print-out. All other documents can be submitted by email as PDF files.

Be­fore your in­tern­ship starts

The Grant Agreement outlines the conditions associated with receiving an Erasmus grant and forms a contract between the intern (grant recipient) and the International Office. The grant recipient must sign two print-outs and submit the original documents. The Grant Agreement that you receive from the International Office is a personalized, individual document. Changes may only be made if this is agreed with the International Office.

You will need to provide enrolment certificates covering the entire duration of your internship. This means you may need to send more than one certificate. If your internship lasts for more than one semester, you can submit the enrolment certificates for subsequent semesters later on. Please ensure that your enrolment certificate states your course of studies, your current semester in your course of studies and your total number of university semesters. A certificate stating only the faculty is not sufficient.

Dur­ing your in­tern­ship

Only if there are any changes of plan (for example an extension of the internship duration). The relevant document can be found under downloads.


After your in­tern­ship

The Learning Agreement must be submitted to the International Office no later than five weeks after your internship ends. If you submit a professional reference it must contain the information required in the Learning Agreement as well as a general evaluation of your activities.

You will receive an automatically-generated email containing the link to the online report after your internship comes to an end. The report should be filled in within 30 days of completing your internship. Please send the PDF file to the International Office by email.