Place­ments abroad

The following departments and organisations at Paderborn University provide information and support with organising international placements:

Erasmus+ in­tern­ship fund­ing

(European region)

for students of all faculties
Contact: International Office

PROMOS in­tern­ship fund­ing

(non-European region)

for students of all faculties
Contact: International Office


Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training

for student teachers
Contact: Sonja Puhr

Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

Internship Coordination of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

for students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Contact: Anke Riebau


International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

for students of the MINT subject areas
Contact: IAESTE


The Paderborn local committee of the student organisation AIESEC offers the Global Volunteer Programme.

for students of all faculties
Contact: AIESEC

RISE World­wide

Worldwide research internships for German students from the natural, life and engineering sciences

for students of MINT subject areas
Contact: DAAD

Cam­pus OWL New York In­tern­ship

Professional Experience Programme (PEP) in New York

PEP, which is coordinated by our New York liaison office, offers you the opportunity to gain insights into American work culture and gain practical work experience in the New York metropolitan region or other regions.

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study worldwide - Placement abroad

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