Projects from Prof. Dr. Helge Gl?ckner

Infinite-dimensional Analysis and Geometry

2 projects were found

TRR 358 - Affine Kac–Moody groups: algebra, analysis and arithmetic (Subprojct A05)

Affine Kac-Moody groups and related groups (like loop groups) will be studied from several perspectives. We shall investigate finiteness properties of special linear groups over Laurent polynomials over the ring of integers. We also strive to classify certain maximal Lie orders corresponding to trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026

Funded by: DFG

TRR 358 - Integral structures in geometry and representation theory

Integral structures arise in many places throughout mathematics: as lattices in Euclidean space, as integral models of reductive groups and algebraic schemes, or as integral representations of groups and associative algebras. Even questions about the most basic example of an integral structure, the ring of integers Z, very soon lead into the fields ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2026

Funded by: DFG