969 projects were found

Abstract Words

mit Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Reis, Universit?t PaderbornProjektmitarbeiterin: Dr. Franziska ViertelPosterpr?sentationen:Rohlfing, K. J., Viertel, F., Kohlmeyer, T., & Reis, O. (2019). Caregivers’ contributions to children’s understanding of abstract words during joint book reading. Poster beim Child Language Symposium, Sheffield, UK, 10.-11. Juli.

Duration: since 09/2024

Baby-Komm: Ein Elternfragebogen zu den frühen kindlichen Kommunikationsf?higkeiten (8-10 Monate)

Innerhalb des Projektes ist ein Fragebogen entwickelt worden, der die frühen kommunikativen F?higkeiten von S?uglingen erfasst.Ehemalige Projektmitarbeiterin Dr. Silke Fischer

Duration: since 09/2024

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AGDISTIS: Agnostic Named Entity Disambiguation Framework

Duration: since 09/2024

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Squirrel: Data Web Crawler

Duration: since 09/2024

Open Traffic Detection

Duration: since 09/2024

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Tentris: A Tensor-Based Triple Store

Duration: since 09/2024

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embeddings.cc: Universal Knowledge Graph Embeddings

Duration: since 09/2024

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BDE: Big Data Europe

Duration: since 09/2024

Funded by: EU

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BioASQ: A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering

Duration: since 09/2024

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SAKE: With RDF and Machine Learning Getting Results Faster

Duration: since 09/2024