
AWARE - Arbeit 4.0: Bedarfsanalyse und Ableitung von Unterstützungsangeboten für Unternehmen der produzierenden Industrie zur Gestaltung des digitalen Wandels der Arbeitswelt


In the course of digitalization, employees must be empowered to master new tasks and acquire the necessary skills. Corresponding training courses often affect specific groups and are time-consuming and cost-intensive to design and implement. Given that the training content is often the same or similar, designing and implementing training courses across companies promises high potential benefits. In addition, there are new learning formats such as MOOCs or video tutorials. In particular, approaches such as co-creation are giving new impetus to already established approaches to learning platforms. The aim of the pilot project is to design and prototype the implementation of a cross-company learning platform. This should also enable company-specific views of the learning content so that both company-specific and cross-company training courses can be offered.

With regard to cross-company learning platforms, the focus is on:

Didactic potential of cross-company learning platforms.

Key Facts

Project duration:
12/2018 - 12/2020
Funded by:
it’s OWL

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

About the person