History didactics in discourse


In the teaching project, students and research assistants from the Theory and Didactics of History department devote themselves to current questions of history didactics theory, empiricism and pragmatics and discuss them with regard to their significance for their own research projects. In collaboration with the history meeting of the historical institute, external experts are always invited. The target groups of the teaching project are advanced students of history teaching subjects and the interested university public.

Key Facts

Fachdidaktik Geschichte, Geschichtsunterricht, Theorie, Empirie, Pragmatik, Geschichtskultur
Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project type:
Teaching project
Project duration:
04/2015 - 12/2024
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Vor?tr??ge und Work?shops seit 2015

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Johannes Meyer-Hamme

Theorie und Didaktik der Geschichte

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PD Dr. phil. Olaf Hartung

Theorie und Didaktik der Geschichte

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