QuaMath: Modules ‘Numbers and Operations 1’ and ‘Early Mathematical Education at Vocational Schools’


QuaMath is a program of the German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM) and is funded by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the L?nder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK). Aim of the project is to strengthen teacher professional development in mathematics.

The QuaMath program is designed to run for ten years and is divided into two phases. In phase 1 (2023-28), structures will be established, the first versions of the professional development modules will be developed and researched, facilitators for the first modules will be qualified and the first cohorts of teachers and schools will receive professional development. Phase 1 therefore focuses on the development of PD courses and local impact research. In the working group of Prof. Dr. Julia Bruns, the modules ‘Numbers and Operations 1’ and ‘Early Mathematical Education at Vocational Schools’ are being developed and researched.

Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2024 - 06/2028
Funded by:

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Julia Bruns

AG Bruns

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