Dr. Manfred Hammer

Research Associate

Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn
Office hours:

on appointment


Latest Publications

Estimation of losses caused by sidewall roughness in thin-film lithium niobate rib and strip waveguides

M. Hammer, S. Babel, H. Farheen, L. Padberg, J.C. Scheytt, C. Silberhorn, J. F?rstner, Optics Express 32 (2024) 22878.

Symmetry-protected TM modes in rib-like, plus-shaped optical waveguides with shallow etching

N. ?stün, H. Farheen, M. Hammer, J. F?rstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2024) 2077.

Guided modes of thin-film lithium niobate slabs

M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. F?rstner, Optics Continuum (2024) 532822.

How to suppress radiative losses in high-contrast integrated Bragg gratings

M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. F?rstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) 862.

Resonant evanescent excitation of OAM modes in a high-contrast circular step-index fiber

M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. F?rstner, in: D.L. Andrews, E.J. Galvez, H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Eds.), Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI, SPIE, 2022, p. 120170F.

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Current Courses

  • Optical Waveguide Theory
  • Optical Waveguide Theory