Dr. Raphael Gerlach

Academic Councillor for a Limited Period

Member - Academic Councillor for a Limited Period
Manager - Academic Councillor for a Limited Period
Office Address:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn
Office hours:

By appointment

About Raphael Gerlach

Curriculum Vitae

Since 01.04.2022: Managing Director

Institute of Industrial Mathematics (IFIM), Paderborn University

13.01.2017 - 31.03.2022: Research Assistant

Chair of Applied Mathematics, Paderborn University

03.12.2021: PhD-Thesis

Title: "The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets in Infinite-Dimensional Systems",

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Michael Dellnitz, Paderborn University


Research Interests

  • Computational Dynamics: Attractor & Manifold Approximation, Set-Oriented Numerics, Numerical Analysis
  • Distributed Dynamical Systems: Distributed Computing, Swarm Algorithms and Robots, Multi-Agent Systems
  • Data Science: Manifold Learning Techniques, Dimensionality Reduction, Intrinsic Coordinates, Harmonic Analysis
  • Embedding Theory: Delay Embeddings, Embeddings of Finite-Dimensional Sets of Banach Spaces, Genericity


Latest Publications

Symmetry Preservation in Swarms of Oblivious Robots with Limited Visibility

R. Gerlach, S. von der Gracht, C. Hahn, J. Harbig, P. Kling, ArXiv:2409.19277 (n.d.).

The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems

R. Gerlach, The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems, 2021.

The Approximation of Invariant Sets in Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems

R. Gerlach, A. Ziessler, in: O. Junge, O. Schütze, S. Ober-Bl?baum, K. Padberg-Gehle (Eds.), Advances in Dynamics, Optimization and Computation, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020, pp. 66–85.

On the equivariance properties of self-adjoint matrices

M. Dellnitz, B. Gebken, R. Gerlach, S. Klus, Dynamical Systems 35 (2020) 197–215.

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