In­ter­na­tion­al quantum re­search to take a leap for­ward

 |  Research

International quantum research to take a leap forward

The Joint Science Conference of the Federal Government and the Heads of Government of the L?nder (GWK) has approved Paderborn University’s PhoQS Lab, for state of the art research on quantum technologies, in the Federal Government and State’s 2021 funding programme. This was announced last week by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Federal and state governments will invest a total of around EUR 60 million. 

Quantum technologies are at the interface between pure basic research and practical application. The aim is to develop new research approaches, both in developing technology for photon-based quantum applications as well as in developing theoretical and experimental concepts. From secure communications to quantum computers via fast information processing, the possible applications are manifold. Paderborn University’s project was awarded the highest rating by the German Science Council: “outstanding”.

In the near future, scientists from the fields of physics, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics will collaborate in the “Laboratory for Photonic Quantum Systems” (PhoQS Lab). The speaker for the laboratory is physicist and Leibniz prize-winner Professor Dr Christine Silberhorn: “I am delighted that the decision clearly acknowledges the expertise of Paderborn University in the high-profile field of optoelectronics and photonics.” Construction of the research building is also a key strategic project for the university, Silberhorn continued, creating ideal infrastructural conditions for further developing quantum research on an international level and enabling the university to position itself even better in the international research landscape.

“The funding is a great tribute to the years of effort and excellent work of all the scientists involved. With the construction of this research facility, we can pool the expertise of this interdisciplinary collaboration even more effectively,” said University President Professor Dr Birgitt Riegraf.

Construction is scheduled to start in 2022.

Nina Reckendorf, Press and Communications Office

Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): The Paderborn University gets a new research building to advance international quantum research.
