Spot­light on teach­ing - im­pulses and ex­change for con­tem­por­ary uni­ver­sity teach­ing

 |  TeachingNewsHigher Education Development Office

In the winter semester 2024/25, Paderborn University's Higher Education Development Office is introducing a new event format, ‘Spotlight Teaching - Impulses and Exchange for Contemporary University Teaching’. The series of events, which starts on Thursday, 9 October, offers teachers and students the opportunity to deal with teaching-related topics in short workshops. In addition, ‘Spotlight on Teaching’ aims to increase the university-wide visibility of teaching-related (research) projects, topics and counselling services. Participation in the interactive impulses is free of charge and open to anyone interested in inspiring and contemporary university teaching at Paderborn University.

Short workshops and interactive formats

The motto of the series this semester is ‘Diversity matters - impulses for equal opportunity education and a diverse university culture’. In a series of interactive short workshops organised by university stakeholders together with the participants, one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of a functioning university culture will be addressed: diversity. Those affected and researchers who contribute new impulses through their personal experiences and research findings will make exciting contributions and encourage exchange in the spirit of a lively, respectful and diverse university culture.

Further information on the series and the individual dates can be found on the event page.

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Judith Osthushenrich

Higher Education Development Office

Educational Development, Teaching Award, Consultation Service

Write email +49 5251 60-4264
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Ulrike Trier

Higher Education Development Office

Qualifying for Tutorship, Train-the-Trainer-Program

Write email +49 5251 60-4399