Re­search Col­loqui­um: "Nov­el­isa­tions" of Nov­el­list­ics

The Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Department at Paderborn University invites you to a research colloquium on ‘Novelisations of Novellistics’.

Romania in the 16th and 17th centuries was characterised by fundamental conflicts and crises - the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the conflicts with the Ottoman Empire, the process of the Verhofung and many more - as well as the emotional-historical transformations associated with them. Embedded in this context of literary history are the fundamental early modern upheavals that become visible in the reorganisation of the genre system and the emergence of new genres such as the romanzo and the novel. The novella proves to be the genre that is already etymologically predestined to explore the ‘new’ in its openness of meaning and to confront the tension between order and contingency with the means of narrative.

The research colloquium is based on the thesis that the exemplarity of the Cervantine novellas is rooted in the negotiation of affects. On the basis of affects, old and potential new orders as well as alternative forms of subject constitution, as tested by the novella in the narrative mode, become legible. Further information and the complete programme can be found on the Comparative Literature website.

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PD Dr. Hendrik Schlieper

Komparatistik/Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft

Zust?ndigkeitsbereiche: Fachstudienberatung, Koordination der Komparatistik-Lehrveranstaltungen

Write email +49 5251 60-5425