"Pader­born Post­co­lo­ni­al" - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity his­tor­i­ans re­search the re­gion's co­lo­ni­al past

 |  ResearchPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesHistorisches Institut

Researchers at Paderborn University are investigating the connections between the cathedral city and the German colonies in Africa and the Far East from around 1870 to the Second World War. They are presenting their findings to the public on the student blog "Paderborn Postkolonial". They are looking for sources such as letters, photos and diaries. Citizens can submit information and documents to the team led by historian Prof Dr Korinna Sch?nh?rl via email to korinna.schoenhaerl@uni-paderborn.de.

"Paderborn and colonial history? What should a Westphalian city have had to do with the colonies in Africa or the Far East? It's only when you take a closer look that you realise the diverse links between people, flows of goods and ideas that connected Paderborn with the so-called colonies in the age of colonialism and afterwards," explains Sch?nh?rl. The modern/recent history team is exploring this past in the blog. Sch?nh?rl: "Once you have found a common thread, many more suddenly appear - we hope that with the support of Paderborn's citizens there will soon be even more and we look forward to receiving information on interesting sources, e.g. letters, diaries or photos of travellers from the Paderborn region to Africa and Asia between around 1870 and 1945."

The team is working closely with the Paderborn city and district archives, among others, for its research. "We want to find out what relationships and networks existed between the colonies and Paderborn, what material goods were exchanged and, above all, what power structures developed and how these were utilised," says Sch?nh?rl.

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Prof. Dr. Korinna Sch?nh?rl

Modern and Contemporary History

Professor for Modern History

Write email +49 5251 60-2436