Pader­born fe­male sci­ent­ists awar­ded for doc­tor­al pro­jects

 |  ResearchAwardsNewsJenny Aloni Centre for Early Career ResearchersMedienp?dagogik und empirische MedienforschungPower Electronics and Electrical Drives

Paderborn University regularly recognises the top research of its academics. The Presidential Board has now awarded two young researchers a scholarship for their outstanding doctoral projects. Emebet Gebeyehu Gedlu from the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Lara Gerhardts from the Institute of Media Studies will be funded with 2,000 euros per month for one year during the final phase of their doctoral theses. "The two doctoral projects are not only of particular social relevance, they also illustrate how broadly research is positioned here in Paderborn," finds Prof. Dr. Johannes Bl?mer, Vice President for Research and Young Academics at Paderborn University. 

Gedlu is doing her doctorate in the field of "Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology" (LEA) on the thermal modelling of electric machines for automotive application. "Temperature is a decisive factor for the safe and efficient functioning of machines," explains Gedlu. That's why she is developing software that accurately estimates the temperature of the machine in real-time based on other maeasurable parameteres – without using temperature sensors. 

Gerhardts researches the internet competence of young people and how this can be promoted in school lessons in a way that is appropriate for the target group. "Anyone can Google? No! Internet research is demanding on many levels, but a corresponding awareness of requirements is not necessarily developed," the scientist knows. That's why she is developing a competence structure model that is specifically geared to didactic application purposes and will serve teachers in future as an orientation aid within the framework of targeted competence promotion.

Both researchers are already in the final phase of their doctorates and plan to complete them next year. The decision on awarding the scholarships is made by the Presidential Board of Paderborn University on the recommendation of the Senate Commission for Research and Young Academics (FK). "I am particularly pleased that with this scholarship we can support young scientists who are still at the beginning of their research career," emphasises University President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf.

Photo (Paderborn University): From left: Prof. Dr. Johannes Bl?mer, Vice President for Research and Young Academics, the doctoral candidates Lara Gerhardts and Emebet Gebeyehu Gedlu and University President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf at the award ceremony for the doctoral scholarship.