New vo­ca­tion­al train­ing centres for sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment in three fed­er­al states

 |  SustainabilityResearchTransformation and EducationTransferPress releaseFaculty of Arts and Humanities

Over the next two years, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) are supporting the establishment and expansion of three regional centres for vocational education and training in the field of sustainability. So-called "BBNE hubs" will be established or expanded in Thuringia, Schleswig-Holstein and East Westphalia. The hubs (BBNE stands for "networks of vocational education for sustainable development") are being funded with a total of around one million euros. Paderborn University is involved in the project together with the University of Erfurt, Christian Albrechts University Kiel, the IHK-Akademie Ostwestfalen gGmbH, the association "Zukunftsf?higes Thüringen" and the BNE-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein. The aim is to consolidate educational models that have already been tried and tested and to further and, above all, sustainably strengthen the ability of training and further education staff in companies to act. While ESD in Thuringia and East Westphalia will be expanded and serve as a blueprint, the centre in Schleswig-Holstein will be newly established.

The plan: Further education staff will be trained accordingly and trainer pools for the three BBNE hubs will be expanded. The qualification of company training staff is ensured by the trainers and implemented by cooperating chambers and educational institutions (IHK, HWK and IHK training academies). The certificate course "Sustainability Officer for Training (IHK)", which was co-developed in Erfurt, serves as a template for this.

"All relevant institutions and stakeholders are networked in the centres: Trainers*, teachers, training centres, chambers and associations," explains Prof. Dr Dietmar Heisler, a researcher at Paderborn University in the field of "Educational Science with a focus on Vocational Education". From Paderborn, the working group "Educational science specialising in educational management and educational research in continuing education" is also involved in the transfer project. The network is coordinated by the University of Erfurt.

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Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Berufsp?dagogik

Write email +49 5251 60-2951