Work­shop of the acn ex­pert work­ing group "In­ter­na­tion­al Alumni Work" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity, 9-10 Feb­ru­ary, 2023

Exchange and preparation for the acn annual alumni conference
On 9 and 10 February, the members of the acn expert working group "International Alumni Work" met for a workshop at Paderborn University. Representatives of RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, TU Hamburg, HS Rhein-Waal and Paderborn University worked together on a planned contribution for the annual conference, which will take place in Vienna in early May 2023.
In an intensive, creative and collegial exchange, the group developed the framework and content of a panel discussion with the working title "Partners or competitors - alumni relations in times of international alliances". The format will be further developed by the group until the start of the conference and appropriate speakers will be invited for the panel discussion.

The expert working group ?International Alumni Work“
The expert working group ?International Alumni Work“ meets regularly for a digital exchange on current topics of international alumni work at higher education institutions. During these meetings, the group develops ideas, content, and different formats for regional and national alumni meetings and conferences. In addition, meetings of the group take place at one of the group members‘ universities.
The expert working gropu is a subgroup of (acn), the central association of alumni organisations at universities in German-speaking countries. The work of the expert group serves to further professionalise the association as well as each individual member of acn.

Photo: Paderborn University Anna-Marina Vogt. From left to right in the front: Tibor Werner Szolnoki, Nicola Weinert, Christine Haller, Dietrich Hunold; from left to right in the back: Lisa Waberg, Vera Lindenlaub, Juliane Wilhelm