

Get-To­geth­er of In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search­ers – In­ter­na­tion­al Tues­days Event on 06 Feb­ru­ary 2024

Many stakeholders at Paderborn University are involved in the diverse internationalisation activities of the university. At the International Tuesdays, all interested members of UPB can learn more about the international activities. There is room for the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices as well as networking opportunities.

As part of the event series, a get-together for international researchers and employees during the lunch break took place on 6 February 2024. The networking opportunity was organised by the Welcome Services which are part of the International Relations Office. 20 international colleagues came together in the International Meeting Centre in the Jenny-Aloni-House to exchange ideas, to gather information about offers at the university and to network. Small activities and a guessing challenge provided opportunities to talk and to get to know colleagues in an informal setting. Due to the positive response, the Welcome Services are already planning further events.

The Welcome Services support international researchers and employees with the organisation of their stays in Paderborn and accompany the process of settling in. An integral part of this work is the organisation of networking events on campus and in the city.

Foto: Elena Cardinale, Universit?t Paderborn
Foto: Elena Cardinale, Universit?t Paderborn
Foto: Elena Cardinale, Universit?t Paderborn