

In­vit­a­tion: In­form­a­tion ses­sion on the European Uni­ver­sity Al­li­ance COL­OURS

Starting in January 2024, the University Alliance COLOURS, which is coordinated by Paderborn University, will officially be one of the 50 European University Alliances in Europe funded by the European Commission as part of the "European University Initiative".

Being part of this European excellence programme marks the beginning of a far-reaching transformation process for Paderborn University and its eight partner universities in France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia, North Macedonia, and Latvia, as they work towards significantly intensifying their cooperation in study, teaching, research, and transfer in the years to come. The Alliance will develop innovative teaching and learning formats, offer new attractive programmes for the international mobility of students and staff, and create a great variety of opportunities for close cooperation and co-creation with regional partners.

In order to give you an insight into the plans and future activities of the COLOURS Alliance, we cordially invite all interested members of Paderborn University to an information session on 23 October from 1 pm – 2 pm in room Q0.101. You can also participate via Zoom via the following link: https://uni-paderborn-de.zoom.us/j/91495693769?pwd=U1VjbmNnNGFyaXRmeXVFUWVvOWU3Zz09  (Meeting ID: 914 9569 3769, code: 753741)  

Prior registration is not required.