

... are used to obtain data (phishing).

... are gateways for malware.

... can deceive by using fake sender addresses.



Check the sender, subject, content and attachment for credibility.

If in doubt, contact the IT department or ask known senders before opening suspicious attachments.

Email signatures are used as an additional protection instance to ensure the trustworthiness of the sender address and the content of the message.

E-Mails ver­schlüs­seln | BSI

Quelle: BSI

Phish­ing-E-Mails enttarnen! | BSI

Quelle: BSI
Further information

Notes on Phishing E-Mails

Signed E-Mails


Check out our new F.A.Q. and learn more about IT security!


The research group SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) has developed a quiz and a game as training tools for detecting fraudulent messages.

Unfortunately there aren't any englisch versions of these tools as of yet.

NoPhish Quiz

Game: Phishing Master

Improving E-mail Security in 3 Seconds
Phishing attack: What to do?

The BSI provides an emergency checklist for victims of a Phishing attack.

This checklist has unfortunately also not been translated to englisch yet.

Phishing - checklist for the case of emergency (BSI)