

In­form­a­tion Se­cur­ity @ UPB

Paderborn University has established an information security team as a central point of contact regarding questions on information security.

Information security therefore supports data protection, which focuses on protecting personal data from misuse and thus the privacy and personal rights of those affected.

The information security team of Paderborn University:

  • Advises users of IKM-services, committees and departments on information security issues, develops recommendations on technical and organizational as well as measures in the area and works intensively with the CIO, IT operators, the data protection officer and the university’s executive board.
  • It is also the central point of contact in the event of information security incidents and supports the responsible departments in coordinating to limit damages.

You may contact the information security team at the following e-mail address:

Legal requirements for information security arise from data protection. For example, “personal data breaches” must be reported by the university to the supervisory authority within 72 hours. To this end, all information security incidents within the university must be reported immediately after they become known.

For further information on how to report an incident, see:

Reporting of Information Security Incidents