Job of­fers at a glance

Das Analyse- & Trainingszentrum in Delbr¨¹ck sucht sportwissenschaftliche oder physiotherapeutische Talente. Hast Du Interesse? Dann melde dich direkt telefonisch (05250/939662) oder per mail unter:


The Pausenexpress is currently looking for Corona trainers!

As a Pausenexpress trainer, you will visit various institutions at the University of Paderborn on Mondays-Thursdays between 11am and 2pm and conduct short training sessions with small groups.
The Hochschulsport will conduct a short training session at the beginning so that you don't feel like you've been thrown in at the deep end. A catalogue with sample exercises and a lot of support is also available for you - which of course does not affect your own initiative! You can implement your own ideas at any time and earn a little money while you study.
The prerequisite is that you are interested in fitness, ideally already have some previous experience/knowledge in the area and can work well with small groups and motivate the participants.

If you are interested, just send us an email to .



You have no problem approaching people and are open and communicative? Do you enjoy working with students and are you convincing? Would you like to be involved in student health management? Then you've come to the right place!

As a trainer at Recharge, one of your tasks will be to create small interruptions for learning. For example, our Brain Breaks in the library. Your workplace would be right next to the university, so you can relax and earn a little money while you study.
In good weather, you would ride our exercise bike, the Recharge Station, around campus, look after it and bring our materials to the people. From air sofas to badminton and water guns to BobIt! and the new trend spikeball, we have it all - the range is constantly growing!

Your working hours would be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and/or Thursdays during lunch break (12:30 - 14:30) and/or in the afternoon approx. 15:00 - 16:30. We also have special dates when we need your support. You will be paid 12€ per hour.

If you are interested, just send an email to .
You can find out more about what we offer and expect in our job description!

[Translate to English:]

Do you think your sport should also be part of our university sports programme or do you think we don't offer enough of it?

You have the opportunity to bring us closer to your ideas by contacting us as a course instructor by email and making an appointment with us so that you can come in person. As a course instructor you have the chance to earn some extra money with your hobby.

We are currently looking for trainers in any sports you can imagine

We require:

  • good German language skills (level B2)
  • depending on the type of sport: experience / (trainer) certificate / training
  • fun working with people
  • enthusiasm for your sport

Just write us an email ( ).