Offers for Doctoral Candidates

The Academic Career Development Office offers numerous programmes for doctoral candidates.

Wel­come Event "Wel­come to the Doc­tor­ate"

Each semester, the Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers Team welcomes new doctoral candidates at Paderborn University with the information and networking event "Welcome to the Doctorate".

Learn more

Peer Coach­ing "Start­ing Your PhD"

In the initial phase of their doctorate, many doctoral candidates feel that they are all alone with a wide range of interdisciplinary issues. In peer coaching, doctoral candidates come together in small groups in the first year of their doctorate and can exchange views on topics that are currently on their minds and work out solutions together. Interested?

Write to us!

PhD Lunch

Every 1st Tuesday of the month we meet for lunch. Get to know other doctoral candidates, look forward to the exchange, and build your network!

Join us

Ca­reer Spot­lights: From PhD to...

After completing your doctorate, there are many career paths open to you - but it's not always easy to find the right one for you. The CAREER SPOTLIGHTS event series introduces you to the different career paths.

To the event series

Stays abroad dur­ing the doc­tor­ate

Each semester, we show you in a one-hour information event what opportunities doctoral students have to go abroad, what steps are necessary, and how the stay can be funded.

Learn more

Ad­vis­ory ser­vices for doc­tor­al can­did­ates

We are happy to advise you on all non-subject-related aspects of your doctorate, for example in decision-making situations, organisational issues, questions about career orientation and career planning or challenges during the doctoral period. Write to us or arrange an individual appointment!

Contact us

Doc­tor­ate done - What's next?

What can you do after your doctorate? What are your strengths, how and where do you want to work in the future? If these questions are currently on your mind, please make an appointment with us! We offer personalised career development meetings to help you lay the foundations for strategic career planning.

Make an appointment

Do you have any questions or feedback on our offers?

Feel free to contact us!