Study ori­ent­a­tion weeks

The number of degree programmes has increased dramatically in recent years. Many prospective students find it a challenge to find their way around. As a result, the Ministry of Schools and Education has launched the nationwide "Study Orientation Weeks", which take place annually throughout the country in January/February. The aim of these weeks is to give prospective students the opportunity to consider their choice of degree programme and gain live impressions of potential universities.


Next date: 13 January - 09 February 2024

Our of­fers

Studierende laufen am Geb?ude Q vorbei.

Cam­pus day 15.01.2024

On Paderborn University's Campus Day, all prospective students (high school graduates, school pupils, professionally qualified people without a high school diploma, people changing degree programmes, etc.) have the opportunity to find out about the study opportunities at Paderborn University and get an impression of everyday student life on site.

Campus day
Studierende im Seminarraum.

On­line lec­ture: Study­ing at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The digital lecture takes place every second Wednesday of the month. Prospective students receive information about the degree programmes offered by Paderborn University, the structure of a degree programme, admission requirements and much more.

Online lecture
Studierende in der Bibliothek.

Come along!

With "Come along!", prospective students are assigned a study ambassador who gives them an exclusive insight into their "dream" degree programme. Prospective students can accompany their study ambassador on campus and to events as well as arrange a digital meeting with them.

Come along!
Studierender am Laptop

Fur­ther of­fers for school classes/grades

We are also happy to create a customised offer for your school class/year group as part of the study orientation weeks. These can take place either on our campus or at your school.

Overview of offers
Studierende laufen über den Campus.

Weit­ere An­ge­bote zur Stud­i­en­ori­entier­ung

Mache dir selbst ein Bild vom Campus und vom Unialltag. Mit unseren Orientierungsangeboten hast du zahlreiche M?glichkeiten, das Studium auszuprobieren, mit Studierenden und Lehrenden ins Gespr?ch zu kommen, in Lehrveranstaltungen reinzuschnuppern und alle Fragen loszuwerden.

?bersicht der Angebote

Con­tact us

Are all your questions still unanswered? Then the Study Orientation team at the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) will be happy to provide you with further information: