In­form­a­tion for rep­res­ent­at­ives and course as­sist­ants

Representatives and course assistants can perform certain tasks in PAUL on behalf of members of teaching staff.


Representatives’ access to examination and course administration

1. Log onto the PAUL Web portal using your Uni account (ZIM account).
Access your personal homepage.

2. Click the Service button in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and then, in the left hand menu, on the Representative button.

3. Select the person for whom you want to act as a representative and select the relevant task (Examinations / Examinations with individual examiner or Course).

  • Select Examinations to create examination lists or to enter grades and examination dates.
  • Select Examinations with individual examiner to enter grades and examination dates for specific examinations (for example in the discontinued teacher training course or for substitute examinations).
    You can also see here which candidates are registered for a final dissertation.
  • Choose Candidate search to search for an examination candidate. Here you can search for examination candidates in the examinations for which you are a representative.
    The results list includes all examinations in which the person you are searching for is registered as a candidate.
  • Click Events to edit a course synopsis, upload course materials or to create and answer PAUL messages.

4. You can now perform tasks on behalf of this member of teaching staff.


Any questions? You can contact the PAUL support team using the following e-mail:


Ap­plic­a­tion to set up a deputy

If you as a teacher are represented by a deputy in the administration of your courses and examinations in PAUL, please use the application form. The application must be signed by the lecturer, the nominated deputy and the head of the dean's office and sent by in-house mail to the centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM) (spe?cial?ised ad?min?is?trat?ive pro?ced?ures - formerly Department 6) in room H2.103.

  • This right cannot be transferred to any student, including student assistants or research assistants.
  • One person can be a deputy for several people.
  • Each lecturer can appoint a maximum of two people as their PAUL deputy. The transfer of rights can, but does not have to, be limited in time.

Application to set up a deputy
(Please send your application by in-house mail to ZIM-FV (formerly Department 6) in room H2.103)

Alternatively, you can also apply through course assistants (LVA) who do not have access to the examination administration and grades.

By assigning one of these two roles, you transfer some of your rights to the authorised persons, but as a lecturer you remain responsible for the implementation and execution and can continue to carry out all tasks by yourself.

Set up a deputy

Deputy of a teacher

The deputy of a lecturer has in PAUL for all courses all rights of this lecturer!

Each lecturer can authorise a maximum of two people who are employed at the university as academic or non-academic staff to act in their place in PAUL. The deputy can therefore maintain all course comments, provide materials for all courses, read and send all PAUL messages, create all participant lists and enter all grades in PAUL online or export them there (provided the students are enrolled in the corresponding examination regulations).

  • This right cannot be transferred to any student, including student assistants or research assistants.
  • One person can be a proxy for several people.
  • Each lecturer can appoint a maximum of two people as their PAUL deputy. The transfer of rights can, but does not have to, be limited in time.


Appointment of a deputy

The application form must be signed by the lecturer, the nominated deputy and the Dean's Office management and sent by internal mail to "Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM) - Specialised administrative procedures" (formerly Department 6) in room H2.103. Once the completed application form has been submitted, the rights will be set in PAUL by "ZIM - Specialised administrative procedures" and will then take effect immediately.


Technical requirements

In order for a person to be able to act as a deputy or course assistant in PAUL, they must be able to log in to PAUL.

If the person to be assigned does not yet have a university account, they must first apply for access in the ZIM.


Teach­ing as­sist­ant

Course assistant for one course

The new role of " course assistant" (LVA) only ever relates to one course in a semester. The course assistant can maintain the course commentary for this course, provide materials for these courses, read and send PAUL messages relating to these courses and create a list of participants for this course.

  • The role of "course assistant" can be assigned to any member of the university.
  • A person can also be assigned this role by different lecturers for several courses.
  • This right is always related to one course in one semester.
  • The "course assistant" cannot enter or read grades.
  • Only if the course assistant is also entered as a lecturer in PAUL does he/she have read access to the grades already entered in PAUL for this course.

Applying for a course assistant

For the institution of course assistants, please contact the course managers (LVM) in your faculty or institute/department and inform them, e.g. by e-mail, which persons should be entered for which course(s) as LVA for which semester.


Technical requirements

In order for a person to be able to act as a deputy or course assistant in PAUL, they must be able to register in PAUL.

If the person to be assigned does not yet have a university account, they must first apply for access in ITM.