Sum­mer and winter schools

Summer and Winter Schools are short academic programmes for students lasting two to four weeks. At the end of the programme, you receive credits that can be recognised at Paderborn University. You should check with your faculty beforehand whether you can have the course credited to you.

The courses require a fee to be paid.

The summer/winter schools published here are sent to us by partner universities. The respective organisers are responsible for course content and application conditions. If the university of your choice is not listed, please research directly with the university in question.

As a helpful aid, the DAAD offers an information brochure on language courses and summer schools abroad.


Offers in 2024/2025
University Period Title Field of study Further Information
Various winter schools Depending on the program Go East summer and winter schools 2024 Diverse Info
Masaryk University

Depending on the program

Masaryk University Summer Schools Diverse Info
Aalto University

Depending on the program

Aalto University Summer School Diverse Info
HAN University of Applied Sciences Depending on the program Summer School Diverse Info
LUT University Depending on the program LUT Summer School Diverse Info
Various universities from Utrecht Depending on the program Utrecht Summer School Diverse Info