Re­search ex­change pos­sib­il­it­ies


In our partner universities portal, you can select the field of study in which you intend to study (and also, if applicable, according to the choice of country in which you intend to stay). The number of exchange options that match your preselection will be calculated in advance.

Scroll down to review the results.

Dis­play res­ults list

As an example, we have chosen Economics as the field of study for the exchange. The results table is adjusted according to the selection defined above.

De­tails and con­di­tions of every agree­ment

Select the symbol with your hand in the Agreements column in the results list. Then click on the i icon next to the desired agreement to receive detailed information on the respective exchange option. Check here before you apply:

  • the departmental contacts in the faculty (Departmental Coordinator) & the organisational contacts in the International Office (IO Coordinator)
  • any language requirements
  • possible study levels and number of places
  • Important comments and information on the requirements of the partner university
  • Experience reports from previous exchange students, if available.

Oth­er in­form­a­tion

Important: We recommend that you inform yourself on the websites of the partner universities about the range of courses on offer to decide whether sufficient courses are offered for your personal study orientation.