

Sched­ule of stud­ies for ex­ten­sion of a stu­dent's res­id­ence per­mit

A schedule of studies (Studienstandsbescheinigung) is a certificate issued by the university that states your progress to date and estimates the date of probable completion of your studies. A schedule of studies can be used by the immigration authorities as a decision-making aid if you submit an application for the extension of your student residence permit there. Please bear in mind that you will be assessed on the basis of your previous achievements and that a steady progress of your studies should be recognizable!

To apply for the schedule of studies, please send an email with the following information to your contact person at the International Office (Mr. Schramm (German language study courses) or Mr. Thordsen (English language study courses)):

  • Name and matriculation number
  • Study course
  • Number of credits earned so far (ECTS)
  • Explanation of reasons (e.g. health reasons, repeated failed exams, etc.) that have led or could lead to a delay in your studies
  • Personal assessment of the date of graduation
  • Actual registration address
  • Your telephone number for further inquiries

Please plan a processing time of about 7 working days!