

Doc­u­ments/ Down­loads

1. Application form

Click here to order the application documents for studying at Paderborn University.

Please complete the form on your computer or in unjoined block capitals!

Afterwards, please print it and send it together with your educational documents to the International Office

Important note concerning the majors Computer Engineering and Physics:

The degree courses "Computer Engineering (M.Sc.)" and " Physics (M.Sc.)" can be studied in either German or English language.

Please make sure to indicate in the application form (question 1: "Information on the desired degree course") which of these options you would like to apply for:

  • "Computer Engineering (German)" or "Computer Engineering (English)"
  • "Physics (German)" or "Physics (English)"

If you apply for an English taught degree course: At question 11 ("application for admission to a language course"), please tick "NO". This question refers to the preparatory German language course for applicants who wish to gain the DSH certificate in order to pursue their complete studies in German.

2. Matriculation Application Form for the registration at Paderborn University

You will need to present the matriculation application form during enrollment at Paderborn University.