
The Clean Sky project "Research of Innovative and Breakthrough Additive Manufactured leading-edge concept" (RIB-AM) started in November with a kick-off meeting at the CATEC (Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies) in Seville. Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is a public-private partnership between the European Commission and the European aeronautics industry that coordinates and funds research activities to deliver significantly quieter and more…

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M. Sc. Mehmet Esat Aydin?z has successfully passed his doctoral examination with his thesis on ?Microstructural and mechanical properties of laser melted Inconel 718 Nickel-based superalloy¡°, on November 30, 2018.

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Dr. Oliver Strube (r.) und David Wedeg?rtner (l.) erhalten den AVK Innovationspreis 2018 (Foto: Daniel Appel).

Gemeinsam mit Partnern der RWTH Aachen erhielten Dr. Oliver Strube und David Wedeg?rtner vom ILH den AVK Innovationspreis 2018 in der Kategorie Wissenschaft f¨¹r die Entwicklung einer biomimetischen Bikomponentenfaser.

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In Oct.18 started with proDruck ¡°3D printing ¨C Technology of industry 4.0 ¨C as a medium for inclusion of people with disabilities in the work would¡± a new research project at the University Paderborn. The project is with 1.4M. € funded by the BMBF.

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?Mit dem Jowat Klebstoff-Forschungspreis 2018 ausgezeichnet wurde Herr Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hopp (3.v.l.).¡°, Bildquelle: Jowat SE.

Zum 15. Mal wurde von der Jowat SE in Detmold der Forschungspreis f¨¹r innovative Klebstofftechnologien verliehen. Diesj?hriger Preistr?ger ist Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hopp, Oberingenieur der Kunststofftechnik Paderborn (KTP), die Gr¨¹ndungsmitglied des Instituts f¨¹r Leichtbau ist. Dr.-Ing. Hopp erhielt den Preis f¨¹r seine Dissertation ?Verfahrenstechnische Entwicklung zum Kleben von WPC f¨¹r Anwendungsgebiete aus dem Holz-/Kunststoffbereich¡°. WPC…

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Among 191 published papers of this year's Solid Freeform Fabrication in Austin, 7 received the award "Broader Impact". These included two DMRC publications.

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For the first time since the existence of the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC), all DMRC members met with one of the industrial partners outside Paderborn. Host was from 18.09. until 20.09. in Celle the company Baker & Hughes.

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Photo (University of Paderborn, Kamil Glabica): Looking forward to supporting a new project on AM (from left): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Sch?ppner (Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management at the Paderborn University), Marianne Thomann-Stahl (District President of the Detmold District), Simone Probst (Vice President for Economic and Personnel Planning at the Paderborn University), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Schaper (Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Paderborn University) and Dr.-Ing. Christian-Friedrich Lindemann (Managing Director of the DMRC)

With 5.34 million euros, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union are supporting a new research project of Paderborn University for the development of innovative, application-adapted materials for Additive Manufacturing.

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Das NRW-Fortschrittskolleg ?Leicht ¨C Effizient ¨C Mobil¡° der Universit?t Paderborn veranstaltet am Mittwoch, 26. September, ab 13.30 Uhr im Q-Geb?ude der Universit?t seine diesj?hrige Denkschule zum Thema Mobilit?t. In drei moderierten 365ÌåÓý_×ãÇò±È·ÖÍø£¤Í¶×¢Ö±²¥¹ÙÍøs zu verschiedenen Aspekten von Mobilit?t kommen gesellschaftliche Akteure, Experten aus der Praxis sowie Wissenschaftler zusammen, um ¨¹ber Ans?tze zur Bew?ltigung der gro?en gesellschaftlichen…

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From August 13-15, 2018 the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) takes place in Austin, Texas. With 620 participants from 18 countries and 500 presentations on current topics, this is one of the largest conferences in the field of additive manufacturing worldwide. The DMRC is also represented here with numerous lectures on the following topics: The Influence of Contour Scanning Parameters and Strategy on…

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The Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) is involved in the training of engineers in the field of additive manufacturing for the second time in 2018. The "Additive Manufacturing Specialist VDI" is a practice-oriented qualification developed by the German Association of Engineers (VDI) together with experts from the additive manufacturing industry. It includes the attendance of seven seminar modules and concludes with a VDI certificate…

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TeilnehmerInnen und KollegiatInnen des Wissenschaftscaf¨¦s ?Mobilit?t leicht gemacht¡° 2018 (Foto: ILH).

Bereits zum 2. Mal fand in der letzten Unterrichtswoche vor den Sommerferien das Wissenschaftscaf¨¦ des NRW Fortschrittkollegs ?Leicht ¨C Effizient ¨C Mobil¡° statt. Im Rahmen von Wissenschaftscaf¨¦s diskutieren WissenschaftlerInnen und B¨¹rgerInnen, in diesem Fall Paderborner Sch¨¹lerInnen, auf Augenh?he. Nicht die Vermittlung von Fachwissen steht im Vordergrund, sondern der Austausch von Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen aus unterschiedlichen Lebens- und…

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As a leading supplier of technology with 700 employees at their headquarters in Augsburg and in Leingarten, they develop,engineer and install machines and systems for process technology and film extrusion for their customers all over the world.

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Leading large-scale 3D printer manufacturer BigRep today announced a partnership with the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC), one of the world's foremost industrial research networks. BigRep will join the consortium as the only FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) machine manufacturer in the distinguished network of 29 companies representing the complete additive manufacturing (AM) value chain. This includes material and machine…

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AMendate, a young company based in Paderborn, has developed an innovative software that makes it possible to create optimal parts for 3D printing almost fully automatically. With their idea, the team qualified for the renowned Rapid.Tech Start-up Award in June against a competition of over 30 teams and won second place.

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Tr?ster

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman of the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH)

Write email +49 5251 60-5331
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman of the Paderborn Institute for Additive Fabrication (PIAF)

Write email +49 5251 60-2404
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman Competence Center for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET)

Write email +49 5251 60-2164

General information on the disciplines involved can be found on the corresponding websites:

Mechanical Engineering   Chemistry    Physics


Large-scale absorption-desorption plant at FVT

Outdoor PV laboratory at EET

Power Electronics Lab with emphasis on Wide-Bandgap applications at LEA

Being part of a network offers many advantages and opens up new perspectives. Technology transfer and industrial cooperation have a high priority at the University of Paderborn. In the ILH and the PIAF, there are long-standing contacts to companies of different sizes, regionally and nationwide.

ILH partners from research and industry

DMRC industry partners

KET industry partners