LiA tech­nic­al pa­pers at the 23rd In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Com­pos­ite Ma­ter­i­als (IC­CM23)

The International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) is the leading international research conference on fibre-reinforced plastics and has been held every two years since 1975. The international conference brings together representatives from academia and industry to present the results of research and development projects. In addition to the optimisation of material and component properties, a particular focus is on the sustainability and life cycle assessment of fibre-reinforced plastics. After the Chair of Lightweight Automotive Design (LiA) was represented with two technical papers at the last edition of the ICCM in Melbourne in 2019, two technical papers were again placed at this year's conference in Belfast.

Ms Shuang Wu presented results on the production of three-dimensional component structures from laser-structured aluminium sheet and carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) ("Simultaneous Forming of Hhybrid Component Consisting of Aluminium Sheet and CFRP by Co-Bonding Pressing Process"). Using the developed pressing process and tooling, forming and bonding can be carried out in one process step. Based on suitable characterisation methods, various process parameters were analysed and selected with regard to their suitability for optimal component properties.

Mr Julian Lückenk?tter presented parts of his research into process-integrated joint formation in hybrid extrusion ("Analysis and Optimisation of Joint Formation in Hybrid Compression Molding"). By combining the moulding of the fibre-reinforced plastic with the joint formation to the metal, there is potential for savings in terms of energy input and cycle time. As part of the study presented, the process parameters were analysed using statistical experimental design methods to define an optimal process window.

By attending the conference, the research results were presented to an international audience of experts. Based on other exciting technical papers and the exchange with international representatives from science and industry, numerous starting points were identified to contribute to the sustainable use of fibre-reinforced plastics in the future.

Zwei Personen stehen vor einem Brandingdisplay der ?International Conference on Composite Materials“ in Belfast
Die Mitarbeitenden des LiA Julian Lückenk?tter und Shuang Wu (v.l.) auf der 23rd ?International Conference on Composite Materials“ in Belfast.