Condor Group joins the DM­RC con­sor­ti­um to ex­pand its Ad­dit­ive Man­u­fac­tur­ing activ­it­ies

The Condor Group with its two affiliates Condor Custom Solutions and Condor MedTec are now part of the DMRC consortium. Condor Custom Solutions GmbH & Co. KG is one of the leading manufacturers and service providers for wire erosion technology, milling technology, additive manufacturing using the laser sintering process (SLS) and surface finishing. Condor delivers everything from one source. Total machining - from development to series production. Condor MedTec GmbH is a leader in the field of medical technology where they are already producing end use parts with additive manufacturing.

The Condor Group will join the consortium after several projects which have been conducted in cooperation with the DMRC. This included common public research projects funded by it’s OWL as well as the development of a laser sintered face shield which was provided free in the region of OWL. Both sides successfully cooperated in the area of education as well. Condor was the first company in OWL whose trainee successfully passed the additional qualification "Additive Manufacturing manufacturing" at the East Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Dr. Lindemann the managing director of the DMRC says: “We are happy that Condor has joined the DMRC consortium. Such innovation driven SME companies are the backbone of our economy.

Condor is currently the only medical device manufacturer in the distinguished network of 23 companies representing the complete additive manufacturing (AM) value chain. This includes material and machine manufacturers, as well as service providers and end users. Major international companies such as Boeing, 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网mens, Porsche and John Deere as well as several SME’s and Start-Ups are members of the DMRC network. The consortium has the collective aim to develop AM towards an industrial established production process. “We are looking forward to the collaboration with this excellent group of industry partners. It is a big advantage for us to have such a research network. Furthermore, we can utilise the equipment of the Center without having the need to acquire all the equipment” states Dominik Schulte the managing director of the Condor Group.

Being at the forefront of plastic additive manufacturing in the medical sector, the Condor Group can now leverage its research capabilities and collaborate with multiple industry-leading companies on cutting-edge projects in additive manufacturing.

More information about the Condor Group