BMBF pro­ject "proD­ruck" star­ted at the Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In the project proDruck the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) participate, with the Computer application and integration in design and planning chair (CIK) and the Institute of applied mechanics (FAM). The other research partners involved in the project are the von Bodelschwinghsche Stiftung Bethel from Bielefeld, the trinckle 3D GmbH from Berlin and the LEONEX Internet GmbH from Paderborn. The

coordination of the project is carried out at the C.I.K. by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch.

  The aim of the 3-year research project proDruck is a holistic employment model for people with disabilities. Focus should be the development and 3D printing of individual technical assistance systems for people with disabilities, which enables help for self-help. With the development of new business models and web-based training concepts, the participation in sustainable technologies and their active co-creation will be possible. A 3D printing workshop will be setup, which is geared to the specific needs of people with disabilities. The workshop will be supplemented trough the development of training concepts, which impart knowledge about the arranged workplaces and 3D printer adjusted to the different learning levels. Parallel a 3D printing online platform will be implemented with a communication forum for users. Online trainings will be implemented which impart knowledge about construction, parametrization and manufacturability of 3D printed parts. Furthermore the possibility of the upload of self-designed parts will be given. This gives other users the opportunity to buy the part with individual changes. A special quality program checked the manufacturability of the part and ordered it in the 3D printing workshop. With the successful implementation, the online platform enable the transfer of the idea of a unique one across Germany. Beyond the developed installation aids can be conduce as a role model for the industry to enable people with disabilities to have access to many sectors  of the economy, which has

been lacking so far. This can promote inclusion and create more jobs for people with disabilities.

In addition to the above named project partners an associated network is intended, with organizations like the BeB (Bundesverband evangelische Behindertenhilfe) and the BAG (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkst?tten f¨¹r behinderte Menschen e.V.), medical houses with interest in 3D printing and companies with interest in inclusion especially in the production area.

The research project prevailed within the framework of the research program "Innovation for tomorrow's production, services and work" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the competition for "Personal Services".