
ELiK – Explanatory videos in an international context


?EliK – Erkl?r- und Lehrvideos im internationalen Kontext“ focuses on the integration of tailor-made teaching videos into international collaborations in the field of educational innovation through digital teaching materials. Teaching and explanatory videos in particular prove to be a suitable way to produce digital teaching content that, on the one hand, can be incorporated into concrete teaching practice and, on the other hand, can be used easily and barrier-free in an international context.

"ELiK" is an interdisciplinary and international project involving the University of Paderborn, Marmara University in Istanbul, Cerrahpasa University in Istanbul (Turkey), and the University of Manouba in Tunisia. Within the scope of this project, practical explanatory videos are being produced based on interdisciplinary Research-Practice Partnerships (literary didactics, German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language, literary studies, linguistics). These explanatory videos explore fictional narrative texts using various methods from the mentioned academic disciplines to provide insights into the methodological diversity of German studies research.

The central goal is to integrate the use of explanatory videos into the curriculum at foreign partner universities and to promote both international and interdisciplinary exchange. In addition, the explanatory videos are complemented by a collection of videos that provide an introductory overview of guest worker literature, migration literature, and post-migration literature. All the videos are designed to be used individually and modularly in various teaching and learning scenarios.

Funded by: DAAD funding programme IVAC (International Virtual Academic Collaboration)

Key Facts

Project duration:
03/2023 - 12/2023
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Principal Investigators

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Dr. Swen Schulte Eickholt

Neuere deutsche Literatur

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Dr. Manuel Wille

Germanistische und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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Dr. Cornelia Zierau

Neuere deutsche Literatur

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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Magdalena Ki?ling

Germanistische Literaturdidaktik

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