Distributed Acoustic Signal Processing over Wireless Sensor Networks


We consider an acoustic sensor network, where different applications, such as source separation and extraction, should be executed. A straightforward solution might be to transport all data to a gateway node and process it there. This is, however, not necessarily the best solution (data rate bottlenecks, large latency for big acoustic data). We hence look at scenarios (inspired by trends like microservices or network function virtualization) where the acoustic signal processing chain can be broken down into individual blocks and distributed onto the nodes of the sensor network. Further, we will look at hardware aspects (in particular, full-duplex audio), how to leverage such hardware for synchronization in MAC protocols and the estimation of acoustic round-trip times. This will allow us to estimate and calibrate scenario geometries in static and dynamic environments. Taking into account utility information about acoustic sources derived by partner projects, we consider which sources to select from both an acoustic and a networking perspective. Finally, a key question is going to be how to handle the networking aspects of dynamic scenarios, where dynamics comes from either uncontrolled or controlled (e.g., robot-based) mobility of devices or environment.

Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2017 - 12/2023
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Reinhold H?b-Umbach

Communications Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institute

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